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Nar Shadda Invasion - Printable Version

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Nar Shadda Invasion - Starfire - 09-09-2014

Another week, another invasion.

Sorry it took so long to get this one posted. Today was busy.

So far we are currently in a strong third place for the planet. To keep that momentum going here are the bonuses. Remember, everything is increased by your housing bonus, but I will just list the base totals.

Warzones - Unranked Losses give you 500 points, and wins give 1000. These are repeatable. Ranked wins give 1000 as well. Also, every 100 kills you get in warzones grants 4000 points. Once per Legacy. Lastly, finishing the weekly pvp missions will grant 2000 a piece. So pvp your hearts out! Plenty of imps to kill. (Oh, how I love killing imps.)

Nar Shadda Heroics give 1500 each. These are repeatable once a day, per character.

Blood Money (Heroic 2+)

NPC: Jatta
Location: Nikto Sector – Alien Arms Bazaar (-3580, –3426)

Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport (Heroic 2+)

NPC: Terminal
Location: Red Light Sector – Concourse (3344, –3494)

Breaking down Shadow Town (Heroic 2+)

NPC: Terminal
Location: Red Light Sector – Concourse (3344, –3494)

Mandalorian Rage(Heroic 4+)

NPC: Terminal
Location: Lower Industrial Sector – Damrasch the Hutt’s Factory (-2185, 2874)

Lab Animals (Bonus Heroic 4+)

NPC: Greggo
Location: Lower Industrial Sector – Worker’s Quarters (-1651, 2848)

Hired Guns (Bonus Heroic 2+)

NPC: Harrum
Location: Lower Industrial Sector – Worker’s Quarters (-1610, 2873)

Shadow Extraction (Bonus Heroic 4+)

NPC: Jax
Location: Lower Industrial Sector – High Security Lockdown (2015, 3353)

The Morgukai (Bonus Heroic 2+)

NPC: Tythan
Location: Lower Industrial Sector – High Security Lockdown – Alien Outreach Center (2028, 3151)

Defeat 250 NPC's on Nar Shadda - 3000 points. Once per Legacy.

Defeat R4-GL Nar Shadda world boss. - 3000 points. Once per Legacy.

I think that covers it. If I missed anything feel free to add to it.

Good luck Sabers!

"Return with Honor"


Nar Shadda Invasion - Naveh - 09-10-2014

One thing to remember too, is that if you like to PVP and have some low level alts, it's generally worth it to log in and do the weekly on them. The lowbie PVP weekly is five games (less if you win) and it's an easy couple thousand points on top of what you already get for warzones.

Nar Shadda Invasion - adun12345 - 09-10-2014

I'd definitely second pvp'ing on low-level alts, especially if you don't necessarily have the time or inclination to finish a 55 PvP weekly.

Unfortunately, it seems (correct me if I'm wrong) they've made the PvP weekly conquest points once per legacy rather than once per character, so completing multiple weeklies doesn't necessarily add to one's total Conquest score.

Nar Shadda Invasion - Naveh - 09-10-2014

Some of the points are per legacy - like the ten wins one and the kill 250 players one. Finishing the weekly is not legacy bound though, which is really nice.

Also, I tried doing some of those heroics. Got only half of them done before I got totally lost and I couldn't figure out where the bottom four were. Ugh.

Nar Shadda Invasion - Starfire - 09-15-2014

5th place! Good work Sabers. Choose engineering or logistics please.