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Battletech 25 Years Old!

I saw an article about this today on a Warhammer40K Blog site and thought some of you might find this amusing…..

Before there was Saber Wing….there was BATTLETECH! So I’m about to show those of you who were not at the Thanksgiving last year how old I am….Yes, I was there at the end of the 3rd Succession War….I can’t believe it’s been 25 years that Battletech has been around…WOW! I remember the first games I played of this game, with the cardboard pieces in the old Warhammer 2nd Edition box set on the tile map. I was driving a Griffon battlemech under the employ of House Davion….Back around 1986….

It looks like the company that now owns the license for this game system has released a 25th anniversary box set. Heh Heh Heh! Funny I still have my 2nd edition box set, along with the following box sets that came out back then.

The thing that really drew me to battletech was of course the MECHS!!! and of course the background it was just sooooo large, and the universe was big with tons of worlds where you could do anything and everything, I guess that’s what eventually drew me to the Periphery worlds and the outer states. After reading so much of it who didn’t wish for the days of The Star League and playing in that era, all the wicked cool tech what was already lost by the time of the 3rd Succession War. It’s been well over a decade since I last painted a battlemech, much less played a game of battletech. I know the Mechwarrior and Mechcommander video games were fun, but nothing beats breaking out the old map and throwing down a Maurader, Warhammer, Battlemaster, and an Awesome and rolling the ole dice!!!

Just remember….Watch those Heat Sinks!! OVERHEAT!!
We have no choice, Admiral Ghent! Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude!

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