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  4.0 Ops groups
Posted by: Visèrys - 09-01-2015, 07:56 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

I've Noticed we've had a lot of new recruits coming into saberwing lately. I'd like to set up 2 Ops groups for 4.0. Plz post if interested. Which character you would like to bring, and what role, and what days your available to do Operations.

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  Starsider Hollow in trouble
Posted by: QuorTek - 08-27-2015, 04:42 AM - Forum: Star Wars Galaxies - No Replies

we lost a couple of members of the city, so we need to add in a few more characters to keep our city or at least to stay above the border line for losing the shuttle.

Just a heads up, I can add two more citiziens to SH, but doing such would only be done if others are interested in following up on it as well.

Would like to see +10 added to it, I will tip in for maintaince if a problem, and I know I would add +2 citizens

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  The fight for the Black Hole.
Posted by: Starfire - 08-21-2015, 11:44 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Another guild declared late and is making a push for first. They are making a lot of points quickly, and while we are holding our lead, it is close. We need everyone to contribute as much as you can. Every little bit helps.

Thank you for all that you do.

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  They'll release Final Fantasy 7
Posted by: rousutt - 08-17-2015, 10:50 PM - Forum: Star Wars Galaxies - No Replies

Update: It seems Square Enix changed their mind and is now developing true remake after all.Original article: Square Enix announced at FF14 Gil PlayStation Experience this weekend that they'll release Final Fantasy 7 on PS4. Don't get too excited by this news, though.The PS4 version of Final Fantasy 7 won't be the HD remake that fans have been begging Square Enix for. Instead, it's just a port of the PC version released in 2012. The PC re-release supported higher resolutions and modern operating systems but wasn't a dramatic makeover of the original 1997 game.Final Fantasy 7's PS4 edition will presumably have Trophies to give Final Fantasy XIV players incentive to replay it for the umpteenth time. If it's based on the PC re-release, it may also come with a Character Booster. The Booster allowed the Final Fantasy XIV player to boost their hit points, magic points, or money to maximum instantly.Those are the only sort of enhancements we can expect, though. This is largely the same game you've played over and over. The only difference is that it runs on your PS4. Oh, and you need to pay for it again.Square Enix has discussed the possibility of a true HD remake in the past. FF7 director said in 2011 that if such a project happened, it would likely have new features."If I may speak as a game creator, if we were to produce a remake of VII, for example, I would be really tempted to delete things and add new elements, new systems or whatever because if we were to make exactly the same thing now, it'd be like a repeat," Kitase said.Each time he's spoken about an HD remake, though, he's discussed how difficult it would be. In his 2011 conversation about changing or adding features, he mentions that it would be a tough balancing act between improving the game and keeping enough elements similar to the original version to placate nostalgic fans."Those slightly negative features and bits, for some of the really enthusiastic fans of these titles, that gives the game extra flavour or personality or whatever. So maybe they would rather we didn't do anything about it and we just leave it in as it is. It's very difficult to decide what we should we keep in and what we should take out."Earlier this year, Kitase said that a Final Fantasy 7 HD remake would be a costly undertaking. He said that rebuilding the game with modern visuals would take more time than making Final Fantasy 13, which took the studio five years."I can honestly tell you I would love to do that," Kitase said. "If you simply ask me if I personally would like to do that, yes I would. Definitely.

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  Spaceballs the lipstick
Posted by: Meparch - 08-13-2015, 09:07 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

God bless capitalism. :mep:

[Image: Covergirl-star-wars-Tumblr.jpg]

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  rishi datacron run
Posted by: Splink - 08-11-2015, 12:08 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

i gathered all the grophet data packets for the rishi datacrons (+10 main stat), so if anybody needs those let me know and i'll try to get a group event planned. i'm out of town for a few days starting thursday so it might have to be next week ... maybe monday evening sometime?

- splink

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  Operation Black-Silver Crystal
Posted by: Starfire - 08-10-2015, 09:28 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies


There are some among us that would like that the Black-Silver striated crystal from Ranked PvP. To get this crystal you simply need to participate in ten team ranked matches. PvP gear is extremely easy to get now, with a 168 set taking just a few days of play. I would prefer 174's of course, but as long as you have 2018 expertise it is enough. I am thinking Friday or Sunday nights would be a good time for those interested. I know I would much rather play ranked with people I trust and respect than partake in the $!@#show that is the solo queue.

If you are up for killing Imps, respond here or message me (Kirby) in game.


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Posted by: duke - 08-09-2015, 03:14 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - Replies (43)

Hello all my old friends...

So, I am definitely getting the new Battlefront for PC. Is anyone else getting this?? The Fighter Squadron mode has a legit XvT/XWA feel to it, albeit with much more amazing graphics. Looking forward to gaming with you guys in this again!

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  Nightmare Pilgrim Run 8/8/15 8-9ish pm eastern us time
Posted by: IamtheKrack - 08-07-2015, 12:39 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Setting up nightmare pilgrim run for 8-9ish eastern us time. We'll need 2 tanks, healers, and dps.

Level 55-60 can do this. Grab the speeder quest on fleet if you don't have it. You'll need the rakata mind thing sold at repub headquarters in the black hole or be able to craft one. Use it at wb. If you do not have one you will be one shotted by the world boss. Can only kill the nightmare pilgrim once a week per alt. Hopefully we can maybe kill him a couple times.

This will earn us a cool 3k per person so it'll be a lot of points for the guild. I'm aiming for 16 man. If anything we'll see the pilgrim's hound eat Kirby.

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  Sonya's Advice for Conquest Crafting and Things
Posted by: IamtheKrack - 08-04-2015, 04:59 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Thought I'd share a few thoughts.

I've personally found biochem the way to go for conquest crafting. It seems to be the easiest to obtain mats quickly.

If you do the infantry kits on level 4 and 5 mats, you can get a lot of the mats from the Boneyard on Voss. Its a heroic 4 area. Kill creatures, scavenge them, and pick up the biochem thingy that respawns. There are bots that roam the area that will pick up the biochem respawn but won't scavenge the creatures. Feel free to pick those up.

Also if you come across nerve damaging chemicals, alien bacteria, parasitic microorganism, cosmic-trace particles, psychoactive chemicals, nutrient gels, quick-growth chemicals, and inert viruses and don't need them feel free to send them to Sonya.

We've proven as a guild we can be a formidable opponent for guilds in conquest. The next step up for us to compete with bigger guilds. As non-conquered planets become smaller for us we'll end up having to go against stronger competition. In order for us to do so we'll definitely need more crafters. Some of you already are crafting and its paying off big. If you haven't crafted before please consider doing so. It earns big points. I'd recommend trying to get at least 2-3 supplies. One for your main, and at least one for others to share. You're going to need at least 4 slots in regular storage and legacy. Fill them up and stash away any extras. It takes a lot of mats to craft through the weeks!

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