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Recruitment How-To

Recruitment is as follows:
While I agree that we could use some more good people, the best thing to do is to group up with people along your story. Invite them up!

Then should you feel like they know what they are doing, easy going, and are quite competent - Guild them up! After you talk to them about a few things...

1] "Have you considered joining a guild?"

-If no, then just leave that conversation hanging with a statement like, "Awesome, our guild is made up of a bunch of people who like to do their own thing but just really enjoy the comraderie and friendship. If you do ever consider it, feel free to check us out at"

-If yes, continue asking these questions:

2] Find out their passions, what they love to do in game. "What do you like to do? PvP, missions, crafting, etc?" Then share a few names of people in the guild that share those same passions. Describe Saberwing from your own personal and positive experiences.

Note: If they don't seem like a good fit for Saberwing, please send me a message with their name and prefered game style and I'll try to pair them with a guild that fits them the best. I always tell people who seem skeptical that while I do represent Saberwing, I like to see unguilded folks get involved in the closer community of a guild, whichever guild that may be.

3] "Does Saberwing sound like a good fit for you?" And you consider do they sound like a good fit for Saberwing.

4] Find out how well they work with other people, especially those eccentric Saber type.

5] Tell them about our one requirement:
Ask them, "What do you think it means to 'Return with Honor'?" Ask if they would have any problem living up to our expectations.
I also chat with them about our 2 requests: register on the forums and hop on Teamspeak for ops.

6] Invite them up! (for type /ginv Theirname)

7] After they are in, please have them talk to me or Kirby so we can get to know them a little better. And post it up on the forums if they don't post it themselves within a day or two.

I have bypassed 4 and 5 often in view of some great convos with people that are very respectful and with a great deal of experience.
That's how we got most of our great members. All great peeps. Keep on the lookout!
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Not difficult to recruit someone... difficult to recruit or find someone who exceed your expectations and become an asset for the guild over time.

Am a very slow recruiter myself... with maybe inviting or trying to invite someone 3 times a month who I have been checking out for a while... and maybe one of these would end up joining with a 1-10% chance of it actually happening... oh damn if this game would had been more open would be so much easier but this fleet thing ruins it alot and the lack of free form as well :/

As per last weeks discussion, Hanak has (with consultation) decided to include a new and final (and possibly the most crucial) recruitment question.

8) Can they Gangnam Style?
[INDENT]Yes - They're in[/INDENT]
[INDENT]No - Is it Tuesday?[/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT]Yes - Can they Macarenna?[/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]No - Tell them to consider more serious life choices[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

Good luck recruiting!

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