11-11-2007, 10:16 AM
Hello! Welcome to our Forums, and thanks for the warm welcome in GW.
As you can see, this is manily a Star-Wars community, but as the only Star-Wars MMO on the market currently SUCKS, alot of us are in GW, among other games. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for the alliance, be it Missions, Arenas, PvP etc. We are happy to help as long as we get to kill stuff :punk:
BTW in GW I am Joradan Krieger
As you can see, this is manily a Star-Wars community, but as the only Star-Wars MMO on the market currently SUCKS, alot of us are in GW, among other games. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for the alliance, be it Missions, Arenas, PvP etc. We are happy to help as long as we get to kill stuff :punk:
BTW in GW I am Joradan Krieger