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Guys - as with most things that have been going in SWG. I don't see the ship just being added but some thing we will have to quest for, like the YT-2400. Doc and Sonic and I went with some SoA peeps on a Tusken King kill run and that was interesting. I'm still trying to get myself a crafter but that process is really slow being that I don't know where to start. I will have to remember to talk to Arch about that kinda stuff. Because we need outfitted stuff badly, a full set of 3 modifiers at +35 on each piece of armor. It takes some time to grind that out. I'm still working on a RE suit, but I can't use it because I don't have a crafter. It would be awesome to borrow someone's but I understand anyone's reluctance to do so. (IE I would pay to activate one of Arch's crafters, I wouldn't be on there much and he could play in the time I wouldn't be on) This would also require people to bring me in any junk loot off of NPCs that they can get a hold of - I've ground out 14 stacks of about 400 pieces each which is well over 150million credits worth but that is about 20hrs worth of grinding - thank the Force for alt-tab. And this means stat'd loot anything above +21 in a stat. And we can start decking ourselves out not only in space, but on the ground as well.

What do you guys think?
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

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