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Ringringringrin Bananaphone!! - this one is a God Damn classic!!


ok guys... start going crazy, this one here I remember and randomly bumped into again haha.. to those of you have not watched this, do it... to those of you who have already watched it.. watch it again!

I think I actually saw that a long time ago, I remember the song-- but wtf. lol Tongue

Uh.. Yeah.

[Image: dervish9bp.jpg]

"Don't be deceived by appearances, Luke. Wookiees aren't simply big shaggy humanoids. They have an ancient culture with subtleties of its own. They are creatures with close ties to nature, and a great affinity in their own way, for the Force." Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, on Wookiees. (Star Wars: A New Hope Audio Drama)

you guys should actually have him as your President, he has some good word maybe he can get the dollar value to rise up again, right now it is a mekka for us euroes buying cheap items in the USA, mainly because the value of your currency has dropped 2-3 points.

100K USD would had cost around 7-800K DKK now the value is around 4-500K DKK.

The war and current government rather has brought a financial crisis as I look upon it!

QuorTek Wrote:you guys should actually have him as your President, he has some good word maybe he can get the dollar value to rise up again, right now it is a mekka for us euroes buying cheap items in the USA, mainly because the value of your currency has dropped 2-3 points.

100K USD would had cost around 7-800K DKK now the value is around 4-500K DKK.

The war and current government rather has brought a financial crisis as I look upon it!

Not to turn this into a political thread, but I do agree with you, which is why I voted for him.
[Image: dervish9bp.jpg]

"Don't be deceived by appearances, Luke. Wookiees aren't simply big shaggy humanoids. They have an ancient culture with subtleties of its own. They are creatures with close ties to nature, and a great affinity in their own way, for the Force." Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, on Wookiees. (Star Wars: A New Hope Audio Drama)

No politics and religion on the forums.. or TS Tongue
[Image: sig.jpg]

bleh Tongue

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