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Damn it, I miss you guys! Get on Team Speak or something.. I wanna do somethin' for crying out loud. And I will cry out loud. You know I will.

ESP ftw

Who knew Sonic was all squishy inside? I'm on TS right now. No one else is. =P
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Sonic has always had his soft, squishy interior. He just doesn't show it often.

omgwtf VULT... heya =)

Vult!?!?! Where?!?!????

Oh right... me Tongue Hiya SR

not seen you in like ages... how are ya?

In truth I've been better... but I'm doin'. How's everyone else?

If it makes you feel better, I went on IRC only to find it empty

that room's prolly been empty for ages

Probably. I haven't really checked it in months

At least no sign of that Atheu guy!!

Sonic Wrote:Damn it, I miss you guys! Get on Team Speak or something.. I wanna do somethin' for crying out loud. And I will cry out loud. You know I will.

Road trip?
[Image: dervish9bp.jpg]

"Don't be deceived by appearances, Luke. Wookiees aren't simply big shaggy humanoids. They have an ancient culture with subtleties of its own. They are creatures with close ties to nature, and a great affinity in their own way, for the Force." Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, on Wookiees. (Star Wars: A New Hope Audio Drama)

QuorTek Wrote:At least no sign of that Atheu guy!!

we shouldn't have booted atheu we wouldn't have been able to bitch about nobody playing..

hey guys want to play sword of the staaaaaaaaaaars?

rofl, both mirc and teamspeak are empty. sonic you should invite atheau back so you have someone to play with. or play guild wars with john.

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