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I offically hate FOX news


HANG THEM!!!!!!!!

Seriously though, I am NOT impressed at all

Well you know, those Red Eye folks over at Fox News can say whatever they want about Canada. Lets face it, Canada isn't exactly going to do anything about it. :mep:

In all seriousness those guys do nothing but make fun of stuff in the news all night long. There are no sacred cows, even themselves, and they will say rude things about anyone, anything dead or alive. It's Fox News idea of being young and trendy. What do you expect?
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Hoo-kay, since that broadcast was so interested in "facts" lets review some.

This program airs at THREE IN THE GODDAMN MORNING. Who the hell cares? I guess it's funny when Americans make fun of Americans and when others make fun of Americans in their prime time (refer to some recent Brit sitcoms) but as soon as one guy decides to make a little fun of another country, each and every one of us are labelled as ignorant savages.

I still say Washington was right. Steer clear of foreign entanglements. Lets give the world what they want and pull every single troop and ship home. When the fallout settles, don't call, k?

Yes, I'm purposely trying to make this political so Nis either locks it or deletes it.

This isn't a political debate thread.... It's that Obama is trying to fix the US's rep and then he has retards like this go and ruin it again.... It doesn't matter that it was 3 in the morning, it shouldn't have been done, it's disrespectful to the Canadian troops that have died overseas trying to help the US.

If that's how parts of the US feel about Canada, maybe we should pull out and leave you guys hanging, kinda like how Bush left us hanging in Afghanistan after he moved on to Iraq....

The broadcast was very politically incorrect, I'm not exactly the most correct person out there, far from it, but I draw the line at making my country look bad, like these guys have for the US....

Meryl Haddox Wrote:This isn't a political debate thread.... It's that Obama is trying to fix the US's rep and then he has retards like this go and ruin it again.... It doesn't matter that it was 3 in the morning, it shouldn't have been done, it's disrespectful to the Canadian troops that have died overseas trying to help the US.

If that's how parts of the US feel about Canada, maybe we should pull out and leave you guys hanging, kinda like how Bush left us hanging in Afghanistan after he moved on to Iraq....

The broadcast was very politically incorrect, I'm not exactly the most correct person out there, far from it, but I draw the line at making my country look bad, like these guys have for the US....

Looks like the jokes on them, personally I prefer if they got fired, not only was it disrespectful to the troops who have died in the war in Afganistan but it's distasteful.

Ok, Obama didn't have them say or do anything. We do have a free press in this country and freedom of speech. Yes dumb asses are free to say dumb ass things. The difference between an American and a Canadian is pretty much nothing. There are plenty of dumb ass Canadians who say dumb assed things about Americans.

As to dieing for whom, keep in mind you enjoy universal health care because you can afford it. We enjoy universal military protection for far more countries than ourselves. Many Americans died to keep Canada safe and yes, they are still fighting in Afghanistan. Yes the second largest nation in the world does help out but no where near, not even close to, what the third largest nation does.

What they said was pathetic and wrong. Getting upset about what a bunch of dumb asses say may not be wrong but it is pathetic. Who cares what their opinion is. They can't be more irrelevant, unless you decide to make them relevant.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Archangel Wrote:Ok, Obama didn't have them say or do anything. We do have a free press in this country and freedom of speech. Yes dumb asses are free to say dumb ass things. The difference between an American and a Canadian is pretty much nothing. There are plenty of dumb ass Canadians who say dumb assed things about Americans.

As to dieing for whom, keep in mind you enjoy universal health care because you can afford it. We enjoy universal military protection for far more countries than ourselves. Many Americans died to keep Canada safe and yes, they are still fighting in Afghanistan. Yes the second largest nation in the world does help out but no where near, not even close to, what the third largest nation does.

What they said was pathetic and wrong. Getting upset about what a bunch of dumb asses say may not be wrong but it is pathetic. Who cares what their opinion is. They can't be more irrelevant, unless you decide to make them relevant.

Obama did nothing wrong, while he's trying to fix things it's people like Doug Benson on redeye's FOX who is giving the US a really bad reputation and a uneducated one at that, while the US spends billions of dollars on their military it's canada that has the heart and courage necessary to pull through, were currently stationed in the most dangerous part of Afganistan. It's wrong to make fun of anybody who is risking their lives in any war, there is a point where somebody should draw the line.

Whats amusing is Doug Benson had a gig at the Comic Strip in West Edmonton Mall coming up in a couple months... needless to say he's no longer on the bill. Tongue Seriously though, it was ignorant comments to be sure, but not worth getting angry over. If anything I feel sorry for people with opinions like that, because it shows how truly uninformed and uneducated they are. Which is worth pity, not anger. Getting angry over it, only gives these morons the power they want.

Just my 2 cents.

Sabs is right. And the lady on the video was also right when she said she was disgusted by it, but that she feels it's not the opinion of Americans just those select few who don't know any better. And, by the way, Saber Wing is not about fighting amongst ourselves in regards to borders. There are no borders in Saber Wing. A Saber is a Saber. Let's try and remember that.

THAT"S IT SONIC! SABER WITHOUT BORDERS! It's perfect. We run one of those non-profit schemes where we take in a lot of donations for whatever cause and pay ourselves really big saleries. But the organization is non-profit is it makes it all ok.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Archangel Wrote:THAT"S IT SONIC! SABER WITHOUT BORDERS! It's perfect. We run one of those non-profit schemes where we take in a lot of donations for whatever cause and pay ourselves really big saleries. But the organization is non-profit is it makes it all ok.

Genius Arch. Pure genius. Can we move the last 2 posts in this thread to the business opportunities thread? Kthx :-D

Seriously though, I know I mouthed off before, because Scythe let his temper get the best of him. That's never happened before, right? :-p There's a reason that he's on Fox News at 3 AM. No other time slot will take him. Look at the other trash that's thrown around in that timeframe next time you're suffering from insomnia. It's either that, infomercials, or softcore porn on the movie channels. All have roughly the same amusement level.

Lets not take this as a view of Americans, or even a view of Fox News. The guy's an idiot, I don't deny that, but try changing the name of the post to "I hate that guy!" instead of generalizing. I find that Fox is more than a few shades to the right of the Clinton News Network, and more news-entertainment based than most others. However, if you do not have competition in any field, the monopolist will force anything they want down your throat. For all intents, the message that CNN, MSNBC, and the networks shove is the liberal left wing message. Agree with methods or otherwise, Fox offers a right wing slant which people would not be exposed to otherwise. Say what you want about either direction on the political spectrum, but too far in either direction just is not a good thing.


CNN is centrist really. They use to have that one dumb ass that is now on FOX and he is pretty creepy in a right wing sort of way. MSNBC is left for sure, FOX is right, CNN falls in between.

This Red Eye show is in the time slot right before the time slot Don Imus used to have before he got fired for being a dumb ass. Fox just likes dumb asses as they can relate to their audience.

And yes, the late night soft core porn on Animal Planet is pretty darn sexy.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]


That's all I have to say about that. This is why I don't watch the news. Morons, the lot of them.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Archangel Wrote:THAT"S IT SONIC! SABER WITHOUT BORDERS! It's perfect. We run one of those non-profit schemes where we take in a lot of donations for whatever cause and pay ourselves really big saleries. But the organization is non-profit is it makes it all ok.

Funny thing is, that's kinda what Thrift Stores do, or at least an owner of one does. Basically they collect donations of items to sell and the profits are meant for the blind organization place (sorry, the name escapes me) but the owner is actually taking profit from it and is even expanding his own business with those donations. It's rediculous.

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