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Just for you Cillian

nope ! was a song shaq sent Kobe after shaq won a nba title without kobe , a couple years ago . It got alot of air play on the Jim Rome show .

i'm a little disturbed now. more so then I was before :-p. I hope the writers of smallville do get their heads out of their asses. bringing in doomsday this season was stupid,
Phylok Starfire

Superman has always been gay. The show has been on so long you guys have grown out of its demographic and the actors are on social security.

And Vampires are in accross the board. Bye bye brain eating zombies.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

bleh give me a good romero zombie movie.
Phylok Starfire

kateria Wrote:naw CW is trying to cash in on HBO's true blood vampire series , which is actually based off some popular novels . that series itself isn't all bad an the number 1 rated show on HBO since soprano's ...

reguardless , smallville as it stands is still crap. the shaq song ," tell me how my ass tastes " , still sums up smallville pretty good .

They should of just brought in the "Kindred: The Embrace" show that briefly aired in the 90's but was cut short because the actor who played Julian Luna died.

Here's the opening for it for those who don't remember:

This new "Vampire Diaries" tv show that replaced smallville on the Thursdays timeslot looks cheesy.

I remember that show, it was based on White Wolf's Vampire game.
Phylok Starfire

that show died for several reasons ... the biggest was lack of any ratings numbers at all ...that alone can kill a show faster then a can of raid to a fly...

kateria Wrote:that show died for several reasons ... the biggest was lack of any ratings numbers at all ...that alone can kill a show faster then a can of raid to a fly...

It was a great show, I guess people weren't ready for that kind of show yet

Archangel Wrote:Superman has always been gay. .

Most super heroes are, just look at the way they dress.

Quor's got a point .

Yeah, Bruce Wane is obviously trying to cover something up by dating all those hot chicks. :mep:
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Archangel Wrote:Yeah, Bruce Wane is obviously trying to cover something up by dating all those hot chicks. :mep:

Well he has Robin as a sidekick I think that explains everything right there

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