I like movies other people like. Just usually not in Sci Fi. I preferred the Ang Lee Hulk to this new Incredible Hulk PoS. I liked Batman Begins more than the Dark Knight. (Not to demean any of these film's actors, they are all very talented.) I thought the Spider Man trilogy was lacking. I didn't love EP1, but I don't hate the prequels... well most of them. The first hour of Ep3 blew hard.
I really enjoyed T3, and don't understand all the hating. Terminator Salvation was the same old lets blow a bunch of crap up and call it filmmaking. Although I was very impressed with that CG work they did near the end. It's getting so realistic. Anyway, It had some decent parts, but I think story is starting to take a backseat to mindless entertainment. As I said before, how can you mess up the best part of Terminator? It's the freaking war for crying out loud. Bah. I could rant about this movie for ages. But, I didn't hate it. It was better than it could have been I suppose. It could have been Transformers.
Maybe I should read more, film isn't exactly high brow entertainment. I guess I just don't think they make movies like they used to. Of course there are always exceptions. Pixar for instance, seriously I don't think they can make a bad film. Going to see UP! tonight.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.