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New SWTOR trailer has been leaked out



Quin is our hero of the day Big Grin

ships not bad....

that vid had a nice KOTOR ship feel to it... where you spend a bit of time inside, working on skills or talking with other characters, all while traversing from place to place.

Anyone know if there is a lot to do while inside the ship when its moving from place to place? Is there any space in the game?

Or you just insta land at your planet of choice and your ship is basically a place to store crap?

Well I saw during the Jedi's ship when they showed the cockpit, you could see space. Though I don't think there's been any word on whether or not you'll be involved in space combat.

Dunno if I am going to play... I am honestly very happy with playing perfect world as it is... found a girl in that game too.

Dunno it does not take much to keep me happy really.. might look into this if she want to as well.. merely because that there is more to life than specific computer games.. dunno though.. wont promise anything.

QuorTek Wrote:found a girl in that game too..

Guy in real life?

Haven't heard from Rocksteady in years, then all of a sudden he is back and Q has himself a 'girl'.........
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Archangel Wrote:Haven't heard from Rocksteady in years, then all of a sudden he is back and Q has himself a 'girl'.........

Doomsday is upon us :O

QuorTek Wrote:Dunno if I am going to play... I am honestly very happy with playing perfect world as it is... found a girl in that game too.

Dunno it does not take much to keep me happy really.. might look into this if she want to as well.. merely because that there is more to life than specific computer games.. dunno though.. wont promise anything.

You should convince your girl to play SWTOR with us everyone will be trying it out at least once Tongue

if she doesnt play games like this with you, she aint worth it.

Katha will be back playing OR here with us. Smile Currently we are going through our third round of Diablo2 (we cant wait for D3)


Stupid Jedi, messing up a perfectly good fight with wizard powers and what not. If it can't be killed with a gun, you just aren't using enough ammo.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

[Image: motivator5235614-1.jpg]

huh thanks alot guys... but specific games are not everything in life... and never has been an ultra fanboy of the starwars univers either, I like the people in it though which is different.

As for rock... dunno what ya are talking about lol Tongue

Think I am going to get hitched up for real on this one though as it is...

friend of mine decided to make a montage about it anyhow here it goes:

Just wanted to say, I have been drooling over the trailers for SWTOR all week.

I am so looking forward to playing this game, and I think Anna might be interested too. So w00t, fun playing SWTOR yay!!! AND SHIPS!! AND JEDI!!

SBR will return with honor!

"But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." - Luke 12:48

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." - Joshua 24:15

"With great power comes great responsibility" - Ben Parker (Spiderman)


Meh, if this many people are playing, i guess I'll have to play too. I don't think I've been on a new game with sbr from the beginning since...SWG?

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