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Was reading up on the SOE Fanfaire and found some interesting news regarding SWG and what is coming down the pipe with their next few Content pushes.
Thought I'd share it with ya..

"SWG Galactic Gathering 2010
Here are the discussion points from the Galactic Gathering panel. Please post your comments and questions in the discussion thread. We've got some really cool stuff planned for SWG and we are looking forward to your feedback.

Star Wars Galaxies
Galactic Gathering 2010
Sony Online Entertainment
Fan Faire 2010
August 6th, 2010

Tony Tyson – "Teesquared" Producer
Michael Farone – "Fiasco" Lead Designer
Jeff Haskell – "Jaskell" Designer
Mikkel Jensen – "Hjal" Designer
Alex Allen – "Aphox" Lead Artist
Lorin Jameson – "DeadMeat" Austin Director of Development
Lydia Pope – "Zatozia" Community Manager


Development Plan Overview

Rare Loot System
Profession & Game-play improvements
Witches of Dathomir (working title)
Player Created Load Screens
Galactic Civil War
Chronicles & Storyteller Updates
Unique Spawns
Holiday Events
And more!

Development Plan

Rare Loot System

What is the Rare Loot System?
There are 3 types of loot you can discover: - Normal
- Elite
- Boss
Just play the game. - Any eligible mob can drop a rare loot container.
Combat only? - The initial version is focused on combat only but we plan to look into ways non-combat professions can earn this loot as well.
Normal Loot Example – The Proton Chair
Normal Loot Example – Target Dummy
Elite Loot Example – Xeno Couch
Elite Loot Example – Office Desk
Boss Loot Example – Perfect Power Crystal
Boss Loot Example - Aurillian statue part 1
Boss Loot Example – Rare Painting
When will the system go live? – The Rare Loot System will be coming to public test Soon™

Development Plan

Profession & Game-play

What is the goal? - Address abilities and expertise choices that are not used.
- Fix things that are broken.
- Enhancements and updates will include non-profession changes.
- For example,
-- Chronicles
-- Politician
Who is next and will all the professions get attention? - As mentioned previously, the next professions are Officer and Entertainer.
- We plan to continue to address top profession & game-play issues.
- Which senators are here now?
Get on public test and check out the changes.
Post your feedback in the forums.

Development Plan

Witches of Dathomir (working title)

Our next big content update.
What's going on with the Nightsisters?
Are there Afflicted outside the Quarantine zone?
Is the Blackwing virus spreading?
This is all for you to find out.
And it's time to save the galaxy AGAIN!
New rewards & collections. - The clothing worn by the Nightsisters and the Singing Mountain Clan will be craftable and wearable
- This includes the MASK!
Repeatable content to reap greater rewards.

Development Plan

Player Created Load Screens

The time has come to update the tips on the load screens.
We will be putting up a forum thread where you will be able to contribute new tips.
You will also be able to add flavor text and mention your character and server.
We will be pairing your tips with our artwork that matches the planet and categories of your tip.
wook wook Enable "Options->Interface->Creature Names and Radar Symbols Blink when in Combat" to help show you when creatures have aggression towards your character.
Tip Category:
wook wook User Interface, Combat, Options
wook wook "Be careful!", Teesquared said to his companions. "The Dathomir Quarantine Zone is dangerous enough. Try to keep the undead in check. If a bunch of them come at us ... well then it's time to run!"
Flavor Category:
wook wook Dathomir, Death Troopers, Quarantine Zone, Undead
wook wook Teesquared of TestCenter

Development Plan

Galactic Civil War NOW

More rewards and perks coming soon.
From the poll on the forums the majority of players want consequences that are both good and bad.
While we want the impact of the GCW felt throughout the game we don't want it to be a barrier.
We're still working on some ideas with your feedback in mind.
We are considering both Trader & Entertainer benefits.
Galactic Civil War Leader Boards
What will the Leader Boards show? - Running list 25/10/10
- Winning list 10/5/5
What are the rewards? - Badges, Titles, Collections.
- Guild & City travel points like group pickup point.
- And more.
How can you see them? - War Terminal
- Intel Pad
- War Table
Any consequences? - Possible assassination orders for the winners, with rewards (Badges/Titles/Collections) for the Bounty Hunter and the target.
When will Leader Boards be live?

Galactic Civil War NEXT

Space - Invasions in space with capital ships.
- Winning in space will affect ground and vice versa.
- The impact will be felt in the ground invasions and the player cities.
- For example, this could impact ground forces ability to place bases.
Player Cities - Mayors can buy props and place them like city decorations.
- These props provide GCW bonuses and spawns.
- They are the target of attack and defacement from the opposing faction.
- Perks & Rewards – call Elite AT-AT, Shield Generators, Turrets, and more.
- City Specialization

Development Plan


Perform Relic - Give Entertainers another reason to perform.
- There will be challenges.
-- Do performances for other players.
-- Do a certain dance or song.
-- Perform at a specific location.
-- Perform as a band.
-- And more!
Spawn Relic - Earn Spawn Relics by killing Mobs.
- With these relics Chroniclers will be able to add creature spawns to quests.
- Have the creatures utter text as part of the story.
- The creatures will drop loot too.
Event Props for Storyteller - They will be for sale during the events only.
- They will last until the events end.
- You can decorate your house or city for the event.
Development Plan
Unique Spawns
What are Unique Spawns? - Tough solo, single group, and multiple group mobs that will randomly spawn and wonder around the planets.
What are the rewards? - Yes. They will have some cool rewards. Plus each unique spawn will have a collection associated with it. These mobs would go great with the new rare loot system…
Where will the mobs spawn? - They can spawn anywhere.

Development Plan

Holiday Events

We will continue to run the holidays events. - Galactic Moon Festival
- Wookiee Life Day
- Ewok Festival of Love
- Empire Day/Remembrance Day
There will be new collections, badges, and rewards.
Development Plan
And more!
The next TCG set - It's coming!
- There will be new game play
Reduced price of CTS - All transfers will be $25."

If this is true, I might be looking in a mirror wondering why 'sucker' is written there...
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

?? lol? Why do you say that?

Cause I might actually start playing this game again.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Witches of Dathomir (working title)

Our next big content update.
What's going on with the Nightsisters?
Are there Afflicted outside the Quarantine zone?
Is the Blackwing virus spreading?
This is all for you to find out.
And it's time to save the galaxy AGAIN!
New rewards & collections. - The clothing worn by the Nightsisters and the Singing Mountain Clan will be craftable and wearable
- This includes the MASK!
Repeatable content to reap greater rewards.

that right there would be enough to entice me to re sub for a month , along with the space updates listed . But then again fanfaire has had talks of cap ships etc for several years an nothings come of it so taking it with a grain of salt .

So what dark holiday is NGE day? I guess you could call it Alderaan day, in honor of the day SOE blew up the game.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Pallos Wrote:So what dark holiday is NGE day? I guess you could call it Alderaan day, in honor of the day SOE blew up the game. :mep:


Alright.. I find the name of this threat is kinda in league with the info.. 'Invasion of capital ships'? No no no... It needs to be 'players now able to own capital ships'.

And by the way.. it's... CAPSHIPS!!!

Thank you...

I invite you to a WORKING, PLAYABLE game with cap ships... EvE online. We already have 2 cap ship pilots and will soon be adding our fleet. Plus, SWG Space sucks... that is all.
"Ghost Legions? Bunch of common criminals... they shouldn't give us any problems sir." - Last transmission of Col. Henry Driver, 4th Tau Ceti Lancers.

Or you could join Sonic and I in Star Trek Online, where EVERY ship is a cap ship..... Well almost every ship :lol:

Also, you still haven't added me Sonic, shoot me your STO tag and I'll add you :tongue:

Well.. um.. I have the game, but I don't really play it.. and I tried to add you but I apparently was doing it wrong.

@DylanGrff or @DylanGriff

One of them should work, I managed to misspell the name the first time I did it :lol:

Would not mind capships, have to say though, SWG is not big or does not have space enough for cap ships the same way as Eve does, just being realistic, but hmm if they did like so you could move into more insanely big space instances and that the cap ships only could enter PvP and heavy shooter mode inside, I would approve of it.

Actually it might take me into playing again.. need to pick up on EvE again though... lol think my stuff is inside wormhole space you guys had to leave, but wtf.. its ok hehe.. can get new stuff and such so no biggie, been prevented from playing eve for some months anyway as it is.

And should be having enough ISK to get a new orca + battleship... so hehe fine with me Smile

Actually doc left a scanner in there for you so you can get out with whatever you are flying.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Dang... you guys had not to do such though... deeply flattered by it though..

No idea when I can get back into it though, but will try and see whenever I can get to it, most vital would actually be if I could get my orca out, its worth 2B in cargo or so lol.. but well if I lost, then it certainly could not be the worst thing to happen to me as it is, will try really bad to get it out though of course hehe.

Luckily my nav issue is not inside neither my vigilant among other ships such as my T3 cruiser (that one is a nasty gunner btw fast too)

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