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Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

I want this movie

Not only does that clip promote violence agains women but it also promotes destruction of innocent farm land. Exactly how many times must this be said! Please, please think of the farm land. :mep:
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

After all, where will the livestock live if you blow up the farmland?
"Ghost Legions? Bunch of common criminals... they shouldn't give us any problems sir." - Last transmission of Col. Henry Driver, 4th Tau Ceti Lancers.

Darkside sucks. He's always sucked. I dunno why they keep bringing him back like he's some kinda badass.

Sonic Wrote:Darkside sucks. He's always sucked. I dunno why they keep bringing him back like he's some kinda badass.

It's Darkseid, and the reason why they keep bringing him back is because he's a God of his own planet and is probably one of the most powerful villians in DC mythology.

Then he should spell his name right, damn it! And not really.. Superman always kicked Darkside's ass (You're not gonna get me to change it.. In fact, the next time I check out one of my circa 1984 Superman comics, I'm going to verify)

I like those DC animated movies. Green Lantern: First Flight was pretty good. So was the Wonder Woman one.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Starfire Wrote:So was the Wonder Woman one.

I still can't get over that she was actually killing people in that one.... Didn't quite fit the character but at the same time it did....


Dunno , the movie has high an low points . Not one the better supes movies of late . But was nice to see supergirl flurish for a change .

kateria Wrote:Dunno , the movie has high an low points . Not one the better supes movies of late . But was nice to see supergirl flurish for a change .

I'd give it 8.5 out of 10 stars Kat, I wish Batman would of fought abit more in the movie but overall he was the high thinker out of the bunch, he even out played Darkseid which isn't easy.

I'll give you the batman out thinking darksied bit was one the better points in the movie . So was watching barda in action . I wouldn't rate the movie an 8.5 out of 10 ... more like a 6.2 outa 10 . I'd wished they spent more time on the backstory of Kara . And some more of her trainings recieved on Apocolypse . Too many bones tossed to the audience to make guess work of stuff .

now I do wish there would be a legion of super hero's animated movie . That is over due .

Sooo keeping on track a bit , looks like november 2010 is $oE's launch date for DC heros mmo . The trailers for it look okay , but the game play trailers on it look weak . Maybe something to explore for a few months til Star wars :ToR launches in april 2011 ? .

I keep debating playing that. I'm leaning toward no what with the Superman contract cluster f coming and the fact that it is SOE. I really don't want to get burned by them again. Once was enough.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Oh, c'mon, Star.. If you only get burned once, then your tan starts to fade.

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