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The Night Before Christmas - TOR style

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the net
Not a message was coming, nor was one sent.
Updated account info for the most recent data,
In hopes that Bioware would let me into beta.

I listened to the reports of Jedi Master Gnost,
While hoping and thinking that not all is lost.
My wife and I in our Old Republic Tees,
Have but one request - one word - 'Please?'

When behold a new Friday Feature on the holonet display,
I jumped up and down for this very day.
To the computer I ran with Force speed,
Displaying desire, my beta need.

More awesome screenshots and videos,
Jedi in battle against heinous foes.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a beautiful e-mail beginning with "Dear..."

With an invitation to play,
The greatest MMORPG -Star Wars: The Old Republic- today.
I about fainted, I needed revived,
All I could do was delightfully sigh.

They've done so much to make it a sight,
Now I can help this Christmas Eve Night.
Stunning visuals and lightsaber fight
I am so ready to help make it right!

To Ord Mantell! To Tython, to Belsavis!
To Coruscant, to Alderaan, to Taris!
I'll quest and I'll hunt to kill all those bugs,
Until I've quested from all the Bith to the Dugs.

I've reviewed the inhabitants, some I'm ready to see,
I'm a little bit worried some will try to kill me!
Do or do not, there is no try!
But who to be? A good or bad guy?

And on this dilemma I did awake,
Why don't dreams reality make?
Why a long time ago, far, far away?
If only someone could grant this Christmas wish today...

(I also posted it here... TOR forums)
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Nice man, was hoping to get an invite myself, but oh well, my Aussie buddy here in Canada got one though, he was pretty excited, bastard gets all the invites, first beta 1 for DC Universe Online, now this....

Nice poem! Of course you would / will get in first. ::Shakes fist::

"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

It's a time of celebration and happyness, the wookiees just celebrated their life day and christmas is near
Everyone was busy with packing in gifts and pressents, and mayors made sure the cities where nicely decorated
Yes it is a time of joy and peace indeed

Although things transpired on endor which are not joyous or peacefull at all

From one of the tree-villages there came some horrible sounds of death and mayhem
It was Nero's holding his own christmas barbeque with AT-ST's
He strapped an ewok into a catapult then fired it through the air and the AT-ST had a lock
But then, the unthinkable happend, there was a minor glitch in the AT-ST's programming and it missed the ewok
The blast went right into the air and it accidentally hit a vehichle that was passing by
The vehicle crash landed on endor not to far off the tree village, so Nero's decided to check the wreckage out in search for other foods
After a 15 minute walk he had gotten at the site, he was puzzeld by what he saw
Nero's expected a swoop or a ship, but this resembled a sled with no engines but 7 animal shaped engines (if you can call it that)
He looked in the sled and found a large red object, sudenly the object gave a slight sigh of pain
And then Nero's realised what he has done "Oh no! i shot down Santa!" Nero's thought
"Look at what you have done!" Santa said "Its the day of christmas eve, and you demolished my sled. How am i suposed to deliver all the pressents to everyone now?"
"Cant you call a cab?" Nero's said
"A cab!? its a good thing you never made it to the good side of the list, mister. A cab can never be fast enough to deliver all the pressents on time, and it takes to long to repair my sled and find new raindear" Santa said
"So can i eat those then?" Nero's replied
"Is nothing sacred to you, you vile and heartless creature!" Santa said "You just have to help me get these presents to everyone while i try to repair my sled"
"Im not thinking about helping you" Nero's said "you never gave me that bantha doll when i was 4 years old"
"But you burned your school to the ground that year!" Santa said "Be glad you have gotten anything that year"
"Anyways im not planning on helping you" Nero's said "I have this BBQ meat to bring home"
"You cant leave me here!" Santa said
"Watch me" Nero's said as he walked away

Later that day Lona', Vilam, Alay and Nero's where eating Ewok meet in the Twisted Schwartz cantina
They started talking about what they have gone through that day
Vilam was mostly on Rori that day, defending the lines at restuss, while Alay was home painting
"I spent most of the day walking behind Amu'lette today as she was doing christmas shopping" Lona' said "What did you do Nero's?"
"Killing Ewoks as usually, everything was fine till i blew a jolly old fat man in a sled from the sky" Nero's replied
"Jolly old fat man in a sled?" Lona' said
"We have to organize a rescue party, or there will be no christmas this year!" Vilam said
"To Mos Eisley!" Lona' exlaimed, and they ran off
"Hmmm, more meat for me" Nero's said as he continued eating

A couple of minutes later the 3 where at the Mos Eisley Starport
"How exactly are we to organise a rescue party? Lona' asked
With in minutes the word spread and all a cross town you could hear comments like "that basterd of a Nero's", "we have to save christmas", "dont you know group xp doesnt work anymore if you bring noobs?"
The news quickly spread to other towns and planets, the entire galaxy was in an up-roar
When the news reached the offices of Emperor Palpatine and Mon Mothma, the two decided to set aside there differences and work togheter to save christmas, and they agreed to meet on Endor
There they where greeted by an army of willing people to help save christmas, people like Acyutah, Rainstar, Jod, Symmic, Nyrus, Lucais, Kaliban, Lala, Carynna, Maiara, Dee-money, Lexx, Tivvo, Darkwater, Dra'ak, Hasok, Arrath, -hunting, Exiie, Vulatan, -tiny, Osanna, Marklarg, Krelos, Oklay, Dakaraim, Tsibo and many more, even Gwreng, Aluha and Warlorn showed up to help
They set off towards Santa's crash site
When they all found him, Santa was working as hard as he could to repair his sled
So bend on fixing it as soon as possible he didnt even noticed that help arived
"Where here to help" Alay said
Santa looked behind him and his grew wide with happyness and bliss
"Thank the spirits you are here!" Santa said "I have to get my sled fixed and find some new raindear or else christmas i doomed!"
"Im a crafter, i can help fix it", "Me to", "Im a doctor i can rez the raindear", "As can i" the crowd responded
"Oh thanks ever so much, but unfortunatly i have lost so much time already that i can never make it to all adresses in time" Santa said "Can some of you deliver the pressents for me?
Ofcourse the people where only to happy to help, so santa distributed the gifts and the lists while others where repairing his sled and rezzing the raindears
It didnt take long for the crafters to repair the sled, they also installed a flight computer in it for the newly added shields and boosters
The raindear where rezzed and fitted with jetpack's on their back's, the remaining packages where loaded up and Santa was all set to deliver christmas
"Thank you all so much for helping to save christmas" Santa said "There is work to be done, ho ho ho merry christmas!"
And Santa flew off to deliver the gifts

Later all the gifts where deliverd and christmas was saved, the entire galaxy was happy and in peace again and santa was at the last house on his list
It was Nero's his house, and even for him Santa had a very special gift for him
He took a dump in Nero's his sock and left a gift wrapped box next to it
The following day when Nero's woke up he noticed the stench and saw the gift
"Is this my bantha doll" Nero's thought as he opend up the present
Inside he found a pair of boxing gloves with a note
The note said "You have won this round sucker, round 2 is next year"


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