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I sold the omniglobular syringes required to get in there and made a small fortune.

I wonder what will be the next Sher Kar in TOR?
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Dunno ... but I give it a week after it's discovered an I'll prolly find a way to solo the bloody thing as usual Tongue.

I have a hard time seeing hardcore raid groups even bothering to pay attention to the story. I have no doubt I will only be raiding with Saberwing, because I will most certainly get yelled at for holding everyone else up by wanting to experience all the game has to offer.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Bioware has already said that to pay attention to story details allows you opportunity for bonus objectives (more creds, loot, and collection stuff?). And that depending on who wins what roll or what action is taken changes the bonus objectives.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

So sounds like in short .... you could play out things and each time you do the quest an change your choices it changes the quest objectives / bonuses available .... interesting way to keeping it fresh and not boring .

Sher Kar... wasn't that the tiger in Jungle Book?

shrug not like lucas arts would rip off disney or anything .....

Shere Khan is the name of the tiger.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Ah.. Well that's not close at all.. =P

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