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Kateria...I'm jealous!

Don't know how close you are....but check this out:
London TOR Playtest
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

I'm in for the 7pm session along with a few mates . the locations in a sweet party part of London . Best part it's 7 blocks from my flat so I can walk to it ^^ . Looking forward to it .

You think those mates will want to join us with SBR?

Also, do you think you might get some video?
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

I can try an get some video but no promises , depnds if my Iphone 4's fixed before then ... bad ssues with video calls atm with it .

I can ask me mates to check out the website . tho not sure if they are going to be interested as there more for the other portions of the presentation bioware's doing with Crysis 2 and something being shown with battlefield 3 .

Plus one of my mates is sprining for the pizza afterwards at the pub and another owes me 75 quid on the last footie match so beer's on him ^^.

Hanak Wrote:Don't know how close you are....but check this out:
London TOR Playtest

Just got back from that ... an HOLY CRAP !!!!!! TOR is gonna be nerdgasims galore ......

Played the Jedi counciler spec'd to Shadow . an we participated in the taral V flashpoint . the group had 1 vangaurd trooper , 1 jedi knight gaurdian , my jedi counciler shadow , and a smuggler that was healer spec .

Our group worked well together . but those boss battles shown in the taral 5 video footage make it look ALOT easier then it was . hehe boss battles were intense , rough , and took alot of team cooridination to pull off .

our group was one of the few to actually complete the flashpoint . an we were awarded a peweter figure of the class we each played .

Looking forward to Tor , there's ALOT going on in tor . Place was massivly packed but only those who had the media access badges given out for signing up on the forums . were allowed to try the game out . everyone else had to watch folks play . then bioware held a Q&A for the game .

we also got to test out the space combat an it's still on rails but it was okay . nothing major but was neat .

the Jedi Shadow still had very strong healing powers but no where as impressive as what the sage offers . But the stealth an saber staff dps is very nice all the same . I had enough healing ability to keep myself and the gaurdian up while dishing out alot of sustained dps . with stealth I could sneak up in a force leap get behind a mob and backstab for a ridiculous amount of damage . it's pretty close to a 1 shot 1 kill to trash mobs .

the sage does deliver alot of group healing and crowd control lock down abilities , but they don't have very much in defenses . and they go down very fast if they take agro . the shadow doesn't have as much for defeneses either ... but they have a few evasion skills to de agro an jump into stealth .

It was quite clear that team work an class balance in a group is imperative .
we watched a group of 2 jedi knights an 2 jedi councilers team up for taral 5 ... they wiped in the first encounter . WIPED !!!! .... there second attempt they had 1 counciler sage an 3 soliders spec'd commando . they wiped just as fast . In short we found a balanced group was alot of fun .

the sage's aren't just pure healers ... they are also the best crowd controllers as well ... so they sole purpose isn't just keeping the party alive or to soley lock down mobs ... they have to multi task an do both .

also taral five is classed as a mid level flashpoint .... we were all level 30 and when we finished we were maybe 1/8 the way to level 31 ... so end game is prolly somewhere with a level 50 to 65 ish range I'm guessing .

Bioware in the Q&A did tell us the game engine with levels etc can go to 100 levels of experiance but end game at launch was prolly going to be somewhere closer to 50.

there's roughly 18 worlds with plans of adding 6 more into the game before launch . each planet is massive . not quite as large as they are in swg ... about 2/3 the size roughly . there's alot of cut scenes in the game and the cinematics are awesome ... video wise the computers at the show that we played tor on , were core 2 cpus' 3 gig . 4 gigs rams using an nividia 260gtx card . we had close to 80 fps . no lag and things were smooth an good .

Overall we had an awesome time , and I'm looking forward to tor . I'd be hard pressed to play a sage . the shadow too much fun to not play .


kateria Wrote:an we were awarded a peweter figure of the class we each played .

Doesn't exist unless there is a pic. :mep:

and umm, I like one shoting things, hmmm....
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Nice! Good to know that the Smuggler won't be the only healer. I was getting worried there for a bit.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

the soldier , smuggler , and counsler all have a healing spec option ....

smugglers who spec for healing . Are prolly one the strongest healers in the republic side . A healing smuggler with either a solider combat medic spec are quite capable of keeping a full party alive .

the solider healing spec and the jedi sage spec , however are the only two classes who appear to have any sort of a rez ability ... soliders have an in combat rez while sages have an out of combat rez ( until around level 35 , when sages gain an in combat rez ) .

while a healing smuggler is powerfull with there heals , they have horrible dps . an require help with killing much of anything .

from what I was able to tell from the extended game play . each class has there own weaknesses which there companion character's are designed to overcome . and the companion characters are not automaticlly level to xx level an presto you gain the companion .

when we tested out the lower levels on the starting worlds . we had no compaions ... but we did discover that during quests / missions there were oppertunites for discovering things not in the objectives , that unfold as hidden objectives / bonus objectives . an through doing the side quest stuff we found oppertunites to rescue xxx npc ... if you rescued the npc an survived the end of the quest . an your tag along npc you rescued survived . you get a chat option that opens a dialoge up an that npc then offers to join you if you choose the right options .

So it appears it's entirely possible to play through tor never do a side quest , and never pick up a companion character .

the companions when you pick them up start out with a neutral loyalty rating . as you play through the game , your actions directly impacts your companion's loyalty meter . If you do more factionally supported choices you end up having a religiously loyal follower who will preform biblical acts for you ... an if you go too far an go against the grain of your faction the compaion becomes disloyal an will leave . depending on how badly you treat them when they leave they may even try to kill you . An will return later in the game with revenge in mind .

Bioware reps had mentioned as an example if your a sith warrior an you try to be too do gooder your companion will feel your to weak to serve . leave you . an when your several levels higher ... the companion returns as a mastermind npc trying to kill you ....

So story , actions / consquences of your actions .... Do have signifigant impact .

Bioware reps also stated it's not there intent to allow you to faction hop with your characters either .... so no going from jedi to sith vice versa ... if there's a popular enough demand for that , bioware might introduce a mechanic for it at a later date after launch

kateria Wrote:Bioware reps also stated it's not there intent to allow you to faction hop with your characters either .... so no going from jedi to sith vice versa ... if there's a popular enough demand for that , bioware might introduce a mechanic for it at a later date after launch

I hope there is, then I can bring my Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor over to Saber Wing without Kirby being mad at me Big Grin

Thanks for the update Kateria! I knew it would be awesome and I'm still wishing I were in your shoes.

Meryl - how in the name of the Force are you going to get a Sith Inquisitor into Saberwing?

[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

By bein' all sneaky like


Nah, this is Kirbs, Just tell him your characters are there selling vegan ice cream and he'll love them and not know any difference.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Or you can be like me, a cold hearted baby killer, but for all the right reasons.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Archangel Wrote:Nah, this is Kirbs, Just tell him your characters are there selling vegan ice cream and he'll love them and not know any difference.

Excellent point

Pallos Wrote:Or you can be like me, a cold hearted baby killer, but for all the right reasons.

And so is that haha

Imps are for alts! It's cool that there are some lightside choices while playing a Sith. Would be damn cool if they add the whole start Sith and then be redeemed thing. But I doubt it. We shalll see.

Mmm. Vegan ice cream. The rice stuff is the best. I still prefer a good sorbet though.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

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