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All expansions will be free to anyone that doesnt have them

I know the game is dead and at this point I'm not sure who will be playing for the last three months but this was confirmed today.

Second page post by mepps.

This might be moot at this point...Im pretty sure everyone has all the expansions.

Well you never know, I know 1 or 2 people that didn't get the expansions at all, and I'm sure there's plenty more, but yea, bit of a moot point now that the game is dead =/

hehe scuttlebutt has had SoE allowing blue frogs in october . So anyone who never unlocked Jedi can now grab elder robes and become a blue glowie and gain the elder jedi badge ... an elder jedi crystals

kateria Wrote:hehe scuttlebutt has had SoE allowing blue frogs in october . So anyone who never unlocked Jedi can now grab elder robes and become a blue glowie and gain the elder jedi badge ... an elder jedi crystals

I'm not sure how I feel about that. Aside from the robes everything else is cosmetic. Then again, there are better robes/cloaks anyway. Having blue frogs on live is eehhh but then again I just might be able to finally get a heroic jewelry set and not suck so much :hatchet:

well , Soe has lifted the no trade on all items ... so you could if you had the credits ... buy a 5 peice set .

An good luck with heroics since only a couple of imp an rebel guilds run them every so often and it's either by invite only / or guild member only . They don't pug out .

tho finding actual people and people who don't suck ... that's the really hard part . Alot of the super cool people have choosen to skip the final three months of galaxies it's looking like sigh .

Ya thats what I mean. If the blue frogs on live will give creds as they do on TC...I could get a set Smile Im not really interested in heroics unless its with SBR...I still need to finish the NS themepark...I get slaughtered as it is now.

Actually, I took the refund on the mustifar expansion when they screwed everyone over.

Funny thing though, Discover called me up this morning wanting to know if SOE made fraudulent charges against my card. Hmm, so that is how SOE stays in business.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Zombie , Look for 'Kateria when your on starsider . I've been soloing alot of that theme park . An sometimes been double teaming it with T'omo . The Singing mountain clan's saber crystal Allya's Redemption . Is bloody nice . Dark green qui gon green blade . acid elemental . same damage as an elder crystal .

I'm ussually on around 6 to 7pm eastern til I get bored or something else comes up hehe .

kateria Wrote:well , Soe has lifted the no trade on all items ... so you could if you had the credits ... buy a 5 peice set .

An good luck with heroics since only a couple of imp an rebel guilds run them every so often and it's either by invite only / or guild member only . They don't pug out .

tho finding actual people and people who don't suck ... that's the really hard part . Alot of the super cool people have choosen to skip the final three months of galaxies it's looking like sigh .

Not everything is no trade though...I still cant trade my desert skiff of the rez ring etc...They did however take no trade off of all TCG vehicles.

I always wanted a green crystal with elder stats. Now they release it. Man I hate SOE.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Who doesn't hate SoE these days ... but the sabers pretty sweet with that dark green blade . shame it came 8 years too late .

So, I've not played in a while and sort of forgot how to...

How do I get my toobar back, which I can put all of my specials in? I can't get it to go, and it's sort of hard to fight by scrolling through all of my possible commands vs. using a shortcut bar. =P

Also, i flew my A-Wing through Crystal Hollow yesterday. I have to admit...that was fun.

Better not be taking pop shots at city hall, never know when Pol will log in.

Though to the north east there is one of those cloud city houses. Those are fun to shoot at.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

That's about all I can do without a hotkey bar/hud =P

I think its /reset ui or something like that JC. I'd do a search on SWG forums.

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