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10 more days left in SWG

Pallos Wrote:From a sandbox perspective, TOR isn't a 1/4 of the game SWG was at the begining.

Well you need to look at it this way, Bioware is taking TOR to a whole new level, I wasn't around during the early stages of SWG so I can't have a say but the matter of the fact is, TOR is taking storytelling into a multiplayer experience while SWG is just a sandbox MMO.

Ding dong the B*** is dead ... Swg is toast . it's death long over due .

for it's time It had some fantastic moments some low points ... but it was the community that kept that game going long after soe buried it .

Now it's steped aside for ToR . doesn't nessisarly mean tor is better or will be . Just means tor is the new direction mmo's may gravitate towards . Or it may utterly fail harder and worse then swg . Time will tell . it always does ...

To be fair, the community was the only thing that held SWG together from the beginning anyway.

true dat !

Quinlin Wrote:To be fair, the community was the only thing that held SWG together from the beginning anyway.

I don't mean to be crude in anyway but I just have to post this...

That is all...

Cillian Harth Wrote:I don't mean to be crude in anyway but I just have to post this...

That is all...

That only reinforces my point. Tongue

Quinlin Wrote:That only reinforces my point. Tongue

Then here she is again much later trashing TOR her points are invalid /facepalm

She's a devoted member of the SWG community.

Quinlin Wrote:She's a devoted member of the SWG community.

They are like vultures, they'll eat you alive....but at the sametime you can't help but feel for them, but she is one of those people that doesn't even give TOR a try just simply because of false facts and what other devoted members of the SWG community have told her, in which haven't tried TOR either...they are loyalist to the fullest that are afraid of change.

Sometimes people have trouble moving's sad

wow that chick needs the swg emu more then the swg emu needs her rofl ... How dumb can that broad be . Even forest gump brighter then her . She's the kind of moron you can't help but want to slap repeatedly several thousand times for being that dumb .

She reinforces the point of you can't heal stupid . nor should you ever try .

On the topic of SWGEmu, any bets on how long it'll last now?

no one knows , no one anymore really cares lol

kateria Wrote:no one knows , no one anymore really cares lol

Well this guy certainly doesn't care LMAO

part 1

part 2

it's true , grab a web cam a youtube account . and you can get any muppet to watch your stuff .

Or.... we watch muppets watching you tube

[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

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