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10 more days left in SWG

bloody hell .....

I spent the other night going around CH and taking random pics. Got a few inside the Crystal Mug and the guildhall. A lot of things are super cheap now, I picked up 4 named crystals, a bacta tank and the dath prison painting. Oh and I got an elder Jedi cloak...just for S&G.

I think I am going to take a trip around the galaxy and take pics of various POI's. Anyone know where the Jedi enclaves are? Waypoint and planet would be nice (haven't been there in many years).

kateria Wrote:bloody hell .....

oh great thanks Mep, now Kat has 2 girls one cup on her conscience LOL Tongue

no I'm too busy watching lesbian porn to be concerned with this . that is all .:bow:

Well actually, it is lesbian porn, with ummm, ice cream.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

"Well you need to look at it this way, Bioware is taking TOR to a whole new level, I wasn't around during the early stages of SWG so I can't have a say but the matter of the fact is, TOR is taking storytelling into a multiplayer experience while SWG is just a sandbox MMO. "

TOR isn't revolutionary, and its not even evolutionary. Sandbox MMOs are for people with brains. People that don't have to be told how to play a game. They just play. That is why Eve is the best multiplayer game on the market right now, and original SWG was very similar. TOR is KOTOR with a sever farm. Now for those that lack creativity and imagination, TOR is a lovely game. For those that do have it, its just a game. It will be interesting long enough to get about two charactors to 50, and thats really all the legs it will have.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

I agree sandboxes have more flexibility and hence more game, however you simply can not argue against the success WoW has had. The themepark games simple work for the mass.

There just aren't enough creative people out there to fuel sandbox games and EVE sucks as an sp game. The content is the community.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I would have to agree with Pallos on this one, you just can't beat the vast openness that a sandbox game or SWG provided. I like the story driven games that BioWare has provided in the past, but I can't see it being much more than 2-3 characters to 50 and maxing out crafting before I am done. After the initial 6 months, they will have to feed the masses with constant updates/content every 3 months to keep people subbed for the simple fact players will just blow through the content way to fast. I am not completely sure that BioWare will be able to keep up with that.

I could see MMO's learning a lot from BioWare, but I could also see the future of gaming reverting back to the sandbox style in the end.

After reading what they are doing with and the dedicated teams to open world PvP, guilds, flashpoints, ops, and space, I am seeing that the understanding is about how do you give direction at lower levels while as you get to the top you can really open it up closer to the sandbox style.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Pallos Wrote:"Well you need to look at it this way, Bioware is taking TOR to a whole new level, I wasn't around during the early stages of SWG so I can't have a say but the matter of the fact is, TOR is taking storytelling into a multiplayer experience while SWG is just a sandbox MMO. "

TOR isn't revolutionary, and its not even evolutionary. Sandbox MMOs are for people with brains. People that don't have to be told how to play a game. They just play. That is why Eve is the best multiplayer game on the market right now, and original SWG was very similar. TOR is KOTOR with a sever farm. Now for those that lack creativity and imagination, TOR is a lovely game. For those that do have it, its just a game. It will be interesting long enough to get about two charactors to 50, and thats really all the legs it will have.

Sandbox MMO's are just there for the sake of the community, and that's really what keeps it together there is nothing exciting about it besides that, SWG didn't have any great storytelling and only the roleplaying really kept us in check as well as the pvp/warzones on restuss from time to time and the heavy grinding which was a real pain and lets not forget the waiting line for ent buffs that take 10 mins with the other enhancement buffs that come from other professions in another waiting line. Even Space started getting abit dry they barely added any new content to it, just everything in SWG was a empty wasteland and the housing didn't help much, taking up 95% of the planets content which didn't exceed very well considering everyone's house looked the same and the lag to actually have it loading up if you got too much content in your house was another issue...Everything was just a mess, soe did a piss poor job ever since the NGE hit.

If you want a snadbox mmo ... there is always Second life ... it's as much of a sandbox as your going to find .

kateria Wrote:If you want a snadbox mmo ... there is always Second life ... it's as much of a sandbox as your going to find .

Not enough player killing. Eve really does have it right. The unfortunate problem is that there just aren't enough people smart enough to play it.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

well I went to restuss today and apparently you can fly your ships on the planet now...LOL I was like wtf is this? ended up crashing into a tree and exploded. Tongue

I guess for me it is the fact that SWG felt like a real world in many respects. You had houses, ships, vehicles, pets, etc. All of them were customizable. The planets may have been empty and a waste of server space, but damn if they didn't feel real.

TOR by comparison is a theme park and not a simulated world. The planets don't have the same depth, and everywhere you go you are led by the hand like an idiot. My hope is that after 50 they start adding sandbox style planets for those of us that like that kind of thing. Different ships would be nice too. But I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt because SWG didn't have a lot of it's best features at launch either. Although, to be fair, they have plenty of time to improve what they started with. In fact, I'm betting the fully voiced part of the game will not be expanded much. To save money and development time they might just implement sandbox style gameplay for simplicity. Here's hoping.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Starfire Wrote:I guess for me it is the fact that SWG felt like a real world in many respects. You had houses, ships, vehicles, pets, etc. All of them were customizable. The planets may have been empty and a waste of server space, but damn if they didn't feel real.

Houses - not in at launch.
Ships - a couple years later.
Vehicles - a while after mounts.
Pets - only CH could have them for the longest time.

None of these things were really there at launch. Who knows what they may do with TOR?
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

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