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hello there

So friends you've had ample time to sink your teeth into swtor so how is it? Is it everything we hoped it would be? Do you guys enjoy it better than galaxies when that game was good? Fill a sista in...I'm still trying to slay dragons in skyrim and being a human shield for my son in black ops

And hello SR...miss u buddy
Blondes have more fun but Redheads kick more ass!

Hey Kat, wb!


How are ya....been too long no see... and swtor is pretty ok still playing it... with f2p you can get a good glance at it as well...

Missed you alot but great to see you around... and if willing to we can plan sinister plots assassinating people again =)

Now if we could find Tigergoddess, Meth and Ven as well =)

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