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O hai

Hey, my main is Xenzibar, and I'm awesome at playing a healing sage because I played WoW for four or five years, where my main was a healing priest. Big Grin I quit WoW because the routine was getting old and boring, and because we couldn't get people to do raids (WoW operations). So I started playing TOR and got hooked on the class stories. I have seven 50s so far, four Republic and three Imperial characters. Only the Inquisitor is left!

I like to read (sci-fi and fantasy), write, and sketch (not so much in recent years), video games, and the Old Republic EU of Star Wars.

Welcome to Saberwing Winkalthough i doubt your awesome at sage healing purely because you played wow ;p maybe it's because we sage healers are pure awesome in general?! haha

Hai Xen!

Yay, xen! So glad you posted. Plus now I can be lazy. Once you get access, you can sign up for ops on your own, lol.

Welcome again Xen!
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