So it's almost a year since i first became a Saber (roughly a month and a bit away), So i thought i'd look through my screenshots... and i came accross quite a few memorable momants from the past year that i thought i'd share with you guys
Top Left ~ The Rakghoul event where I thought I'd be clever and dance next to imps taking down the boss.
Top Center ~ Attempting to get a screenshot after taking down a boss with Republic Defenders that was giving us some trouble on our own.
Top Right ~ So after both me and Quortek got stuck in the other dimension in the Soa fight what else to do... other than dance!?
Left ~ The first ever kill of Soa on Nightmare mode followed with a picture of one of the first 16man runs of EV with another guild.
Right ~ Don't worry... we know how to hide a body .
Bottom Left ~ Just a random screenshot from some of the first few Ops runs.
Bottom Center ~ Don't we just look sexy!?
Bottom Right ~ They didn't like Mep's dancing... he got shot.
So i wonder, does anyone else have some nice screenshots ?