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Hi Everyone

Hello all. Introducing myself.

I got invited to SaberWing today. The name I have is also my name in tor, however it is spelled: Rain'Fall.

I have played SWG Emu and played SWG NGE. My husband would tell me stories of the old Pre-Cu days. I know Emu is not the same but I can experience some of what it was like during before SoE ruined it.

I been playing ToR since the beginning of beta. I am always learning with classes and game play. I am from mostly Jedi Cov server but I got the feeling of blah form the server community and the guild I was running with. I felt like the guild I was turning into popularity contest. More like kiss butt you get things.

I have not done much pvp in ToR but did so some. I did run some HM before it was changed to 55. I am learning on class gear specs and rotations. I am a Assault Commando. From what I had read, I picked an interesting spec to learn . Tongue I have played most healing in MMOs and minor ranged DPS.

Currently at the moment I don't have any 55's on Ebon Hawk.

What drew me to Saberwings is the guild site and level experience players have in playing online.

I will halt for now before I write a complete novel. Tongue Looking to foward to flying with you all.

Welcome to the guild!


Welcome to saberwing, If you need any help just let me know.


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