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What's up Peeps?

I've noticed saberwing activity has dropped off quite a bit. Wondering what's going on if people are bored with the game or what. Just not seeing activity like it once was.

I noticed this as well!

Well I can't speak for others, but personally I've hit burnout. I play games largely for the PvP and on Ebon Hawk, I can't do any unless I'm running a four man premade. That's just not fun for me at all and I'm tired of it. That and bombers have killed a lot of my desire to play GSF. Sorry, but I play GSF for dogfighting, not just some idiot hitting 1 and 2 as fast as possible while humping an objective. /rant off

Anyhow, so I'm off playing EVE and waiting for Elder Scrolls (folks should really give it a look!) to come out here in a few weeks. I'll still be on TS and the forums, but I think I'm going to take a break from TOR for a good while.

Burnout for me too. I still really love to pvp, but unless I've got a group rolling, I just can't summon up the energy to deal with the fail puggers that queue in. I'm letting my account drop to preferred, but I bought enough warzone passes and unlocks that I should still be able to play pretty easily when my sub runs out. I'll also try to be around in teamspeak when I'm over playing in eve, and if anyone wants to grab me for something specific (like a wz group when the new huttball maps hit or leveling a lowbie or whatever) just grab me and I'll log back over.

I'm still game, but I'm also at a point in the semester where I have no time for anything other than reading and sleeping. May not be able to get back in-game until April or May...

Yeah, I understand about the pvp stuff. I've been playing imp side a lot past week. Never had a level 55 guy there so working on that. Gsf is pretty challenging on imp side especially when you're singled out in the sea of new pilots. :lol:

We have about 10 people on at a time in the evenings. I'm on all the time as usual.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

In laws are in town, my parents will be here today.

Putting together a new Minecraft pack.

Bored with space and bomber spam, nothing left I'm interested in flying to master...

Yeah :\
[Image: sig.jpg]

I'd say bomber spam is down as a whole. Every once in a while you run into a match that is heavy with them but I'd call that the exception rather than the rule.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

I'm around, but I'm not much into PvP, at least for now. I'm more trying to do HM FPs and Ops.

There were 15 online Sunday for a large portion of the afternoon. It's just timing.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

burned out of GSF after 4 weeks here, by then had killed each ace at least 1 time (including guildies) and well felt utterly bored by it getting same old same old and no challenge to the interface either.

Always been into the progressive stuff in a higher degree so have moved my two best fitted chars to some other place, that would allow me doing that better, and stuff more in my own timezone as well.

Likewise rolled some toons on an euro server.

I just came back after almost a year break and leveling a new toon. I do play but its a random times and sometimes into early morning. Saberwing has always been very random, but is generally active.

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