06-02-2014, 11:49 AM
(I have posted this same thing on the Eclipse Squadron forums.)
On Friday, after some comments in GSF chat (most notably by Steelwind) and in voice chat by various of the Jung Ma guys, I sent Dementia an in-game mail asking if it would be possible for her group to tone down the crushing defeats they've been inflicting, fly something other than bomber/gunship, and maybe let the noobs actually hit them a few times, all in the interests of keeping GSF fun for the majority of the people that play it and explanding the playerbase.
This is the response I received. I requested permission to repost it; she (he? I dunno, I'll go with "she" until told otherwise) granted it with the request that I not say it came from her because she didn't want to be dealing with whining and "trolls" on the SWTOR forums. Well, 1) too late, I already was talking about the gist of it in GSF chat, 2) too late, it's obvious from the text who it's from. However the request to keep it off the SWTOR forums is reasonable so I'd ask people to abide by that.
(Note: it seems they are still queueing to get at least the dailies on TEH, so this message is somewhat deceptive.)
We (as a group) aren't going to queue regularly here anymore. There really is no solid competition and the reactions we've been getting from an RP-style community don't make playing here very fun. We play these ships to gain requisition on them, not easily destroy teams (which we can do in any ship). Asking us to be kind to newer players is fair, but so far we've had to deal with a number of things
1) People come over on new alts to curse and complain to us (really? how childish is that? one could just do what you have done, which is perfectly appropriate)
2) People create alts and self-destruct repeatedly in our games (which we still win by a large margin)
3) Prominent members (including Nemarus) have insulted our members, some of which have never done a thing wrong (like Drakolich)
4) Biggest one: Everyone complains to each other instead of to us.
The biggest problem here is that we are competitive and this server (being an RP server) doesn't really mesh well in that it doesn't strive for strong competition and avoids portions of the game. That is fine. But the community reaction to us is very mixed. So we're going to continue playing most of our games on The Bastion, where the community (believe it or not) is extremely healthy and very competitive.
I wish you the best, I may still be around from time to time.
P.S.: Thanks for actually bringing it up with one of us instead of moaning about it elsewhere (forums, other players) and attacking us verbally. It shows more maturity than much of the rest of this server.
In her response to me in the SWTOR forum messaging she mentioned she'd welcome further input from "someone who acts respectful and isn't an outright troll". Below is what I wrote back.
Well, since you ask.
1) You're absolutely right about people bitching to each other instead of coming to you. That's part of why I sent the mail, because I saw people bitching a lot and said "just go talk to Dementia about it and see what she says" and nobody seemed to like that idea.
2) I don't know what you mean about community leaders "including Nemarus" insulting Drakolich. Knowing Nemarus, if he had a complaint it probably had some substance to it, and I'd like to know what it was (I haven't had a chance to talk with him yet about this) - and I say that knowing full well that Drak has been a perfect gentleman in every interaction I've had with him and I have trouble believing he could do anything outside of a match to make someone angry.
3) You're right that a lot of the matches aren't competitive. I don't really know why you expect them to be. The GSF playerbase (on Ebon Hawk at least, and TEH seems to be one of the healthier GSF servers) is just not big enough to have enough people queued at the same time to get reasonably even matches on a regular basis. When we DO get them, they are awesome - but even we know there's ace premades queueing on both sides it can be pretty hit or miss as to whether the matchmaker does something reasonable. The only way this will get better is if we get cross server queueing (not holding my breath), or if a large proportion of people queueing at any one time are good at the game; and the only way to get THAT is to give people practice and the opportunity to want to get better.
It's the difference between inspiring someone to play better and inspiring someone to stop playing. Everything you guys do is calculated to get people to stop playing. I can totally understand how people up against your team feel like throwing their keyboards at the wall. I also would honestly expect you to be aware without needing to be told that you are eliciting that reaction. How many times can you run the bomber game and see 3-shippers completely unable to handle it and not see the pattern? What exactly are you winning by doing this? What does it gain you?
T2 scouts, T1 gunships, and minelayers are the best way to deliver super-concentrated "FUCK YOU" to new players.
That is the ONLY thing you and your team have been doing on Ebon Hawk.
I have never seen any of you in any other ship. I've seen a lot of people complaining about that sort of thing in matches I haven't personally been in as well. If people are mad at you, I really don't see that that's anything but thoroughly deserved. If you were deliberately trying to ruin the game experience for everyone on our server the only thing you've left undone would be mining the spawn points.
Now, I'm not yet convinced you ARE trying to ruin anything. You and Drakolich and Vailx/Verain are absolutely great teammates to fly with and interesting to talk with. I do think you're too focused on your own little group and whether you're having fun and not really caring about whether the people you play WITH are having fun. In which case ... you really don't have any right to complain about people cursing at you and trying to sabotage you, because you're deliberately not being a good sport. GSF is a team game, and the people on the other team are willing participants in creating content for you. They help create your fun. Taking their preferences and their reactions to your actions into account is just part of being a good sport. (The 8 bomber game would've been fine if people actually liked you. As it is, you're just reinforcing the impression that you're saying "FUCK YOU" to everybody not in your group, all over again. Yes, having what is acceptable depend on people liking you might seem unreasonable, but it's how human beings work.)
I'm willing to take the challenge you guys present. (I might queue some on Bastion during the double req time and see what things are like.) I'm absolutely sure that with some of the better TEH pilots on my team and the whole team knowing what the basic strategy needs to be and capable of implementing it, you're entirely beatable - and WITHOUT resorting to all bombers all the time (I've proven to myself that, at a minimum, T2 strikes and command scouts make excellent bomber killers, and one-on-one without help, too). The problem is that matches where that is even possible is a rarity, yet you fly every single one as ruthlessly as you possibly can, no exceptions, and then are surprised when people react badly. The problem is not first and foremost with the people angry at you, the problem is with your perception of what is reasonable behavior. They wouldn't be angry if you didn't go out of your way to get them there.
In the thousands of matches I've played, I have never once - not ONCE - received an angry comment afterward, from anyone; and quite a few excited and enthused whispers about how much fun that was even though they lost.
As a final request: if you're going to stop queueing, then stop queueing - completely. If you don't like how TEH reacts to you, then go away. If you want to keep queueing on TEH, then please show people you actually like being here and like the people you're flying with, instead of going out of your way to look like jerks every chance you get. If that's not something you can handle then I really don't know why you persist.
On Friday, after some comments in GSF chat (most notably by Steelwind) and in voice chat by various of the Jung Ma guys, I sent Dementia an in-game mail asking if it would be possible for her group to tone down the crushing defeats they've been inflicting, fly something other than bomber/gunship, and maybe let the noobs actually hit them a few times, all in the interests of keeping GSF fun for the majority of the people that play it and explanding the playerbase.
This is the response I received. I requested permission to repost it; she (he? I dunno, I'll go with "she" until told otherwise) granted it with the request that I not say it came from her because she didn't want to be dealing with whining and "trolls" on the SWTOR forums. Well, 1) too late, I already was talking about the gist of it in GSF chat, 2) too late, it's obvious from the text who it's from. However the request to keep it off the SWTOR forums is reasonable so I'd ask people to abide by that.
(Note: it seems they are still queueing to get at least the dailies on TEH, so this message is somewhat deceptive.)
We (as a group) aren't going to queue regularly here anymore. There really is no solid competition and the reactions we've been getting from an RP-style community don't make playing here very fun. We play these ships to gain requisition on them, not easily destroy teams (which we can do in any ship). Asking us to be kind to newer players is fair, but so far we've had to deal with a number of things
1) People come over on new alts to curse and complain to us (really? how childish is that? one could just do what you have done, which is perfectly appropriate)
2) People create alts and self-destruct repeatedly in our games (which we still win by a large margin)
3) Prominent members (including Nemarus) have insulted our members, some of which have never done a thing wrong (like Drakolich)
4) Biggest one: Everyone complains to each other instead of to us.
The biggest problem here is that we are competitive and this server (being an RP server) doesn't really mesh well in that it doesn't strive for strong competition and avoids portions of the game. That is fine. But the community reaction to us is very mixed. So we're going to continue playing most of our games on The Bastion, where the community (believe it or not) is extremely healthy and very competitive.
I wish you the best, I may still be around from time to time.
P.S.: Thanks for actually bringing it up with one of us instead of moaning about it elsewhere (forums, other players) and attacking us verbally. It shows more maturity than much of the rest of this server.

In her response to me in the SWTOR forum messaging she mentioned she'd welcome further input from "someone who acts respectful and isn't an outright troll". Below is what I wrote back.
Well, since you ask.
1) You're absolutely right about people bitching to each other instead of coming to you. That's part of why I sent the mail, because I saw people bitching a lot and said "just go talk to Dementia about it and see what she says" and nobody seemed to like that idea.
2) I don't know what you mean about community leaders "including Nemarus" insulting Drakolich. Knowing Nemarus, if he had a complaint it probably had some substance to it, and I'd like to know what it was (I haven't had a chance to talk with him yet about this) - and I say that knowing full well that Drak has been a perfect gentleman in every interaction I've had with him and I have trouble believing he could do anything outside of a match to make someone angry.
3) You're right that a lot of the matches aren't competitive. I don't really know why you expect them to be. The GSF playerbase (on Ebon Hawk at least, and TEH seems to be one of the healthier GSF servers) is just not big enough to have enough people queued at the same time to get reasonably even matches on a regular basis. When we DO get them, they are awesome - but even we know there's ace premades queueing on both sides it can be pretty hit or miss as to whether the matchmaker does something reasonable. The only way this will get better is if we get cross server queueing (not holding my breath), or if a large proportion of people queueing at any one time are good at the game; and the only way to get THAT is to give people practice and the opportunity to want to get better.
It's the difference between inspiring someone to play better and inspiring someone to stop playing. Everything you guys do is calculated to get people to stop playing. I can totally understand how people up against your team feel like throwing their keyboards at the wall. I also would honestly expect you to be aware without needing to be told that you are eliciting that reaction. How many times can you run the bomber game and see 3-shippers completely unable to handle it and not see the pattern? What exactly are you winning by doing this? What does it gain you?
T2 scouts, T1 gunships, and minelayers are the best way to deliver super-concentrated "FUCK YOU" to new players.
That is the ONLY thing you and your team have been doing on Ebon Hawk.
I have never seen any of you in any other ship. I've seen a lot of people complaining about that sort of thing in matches I haven't personally been in as well. If people are mad at you, I really don't see that that's anything but thoroughly deserved. If you were deliberately trying to ruin the game experience for everyone on our server the only thing you've left undone would be mining the spawn points.
Now, I'm not yet convinced you ARE trying to ruin anything. You and Drakolich and Vailx/Verain are absolutely great teammates to fly with and interesting to talk with. I do think you're too focused on your own little group and whether you're having fun and not really caring about whether the people you play WITH are having fun. In which case ... you really don't have any right to complain about people cursing at you and trying to sabotage you, because you're deliberately not being a good sport. GSF is a team game, and the people on the other team are willing participants in creating content for you. They help create your fun. Taking their preferences and their reactions to your actions into account is just part of being a good sport. (The 8 bomber game would've been fine if people actually liked you. As it is, you're just reinforcing the impression that you're saying "FUCK YOU" to everybody not in your group, all over again. Yes, having what is acceptable depend on people liking you might seem unreasonable, but it's how human beings work.)
I'm willing to take the challenge you guys present. (I might queue some on Bastion during the double req time and see what things are like.) I'm absolutely sure that with some of the better TEH pilots on my team and the whole team knowing what the basic strategy needs to be and capable of implementing it, you're entirely beatable - and WITHOUT resorting to all bombers all the time (I've proven to myself that, at a minimum, T2 strikes and command scouts make excellent bomber killers, and one-on-one without help, too). The problem is that matches where that is even possible is a rarity, yet you fly every single one as ruthlessly as you possibly can, no exceptions, and then are surprised when people react badly. The problem is not first and foremost with the people angry at you, the problem is with your perception of what is reasonable behavior. They wouldn't be angry if you didn't go out of your way to get them there.
In the thousands of matches I've played, I have never once - not ONCE - received an angry comment afterward, from anyone; and quite a few excited and enthused whispers about how much fun that was even though they lost.
As a final request: if you're going to stop queueing, then stop queueing - completely. If you don't like how TEH reacts to you, then go away. If you want to keep queueing on TEH, then please show people you actually like being here and like the people you're flying with, instead of going out of your way to look like jerks every chance you get. If that's not something you can handle then I really don't know why you persist.