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Nóbody has arrived.... wait... what?

Greeting and salutations, Ketricel/Nóbody here. Figured I would drop in and introduce myself to everyone. Not really sure where to start, but I hear the beginning is a good a place as any. First though let's start with a few of the basics. I am 30, single, work as an AutoCAD/Engineering for a small furniture company where I also do some 3d printing work on a MakerBot, I live in North Carolina and like long walks on the beach. That last part is totally not true, short walks maybe. My main interests outside of gaming include reading (mostly Sci-Fi/Fantasy), watching movies, sports, and I dabble in computer repair/tinkering. Pretty much I am the exact average of a typical "gamer". Now on to the somewhat less boring stuff... my gaming career.

My first MMO was Star Wars Galaxies when it first launched, I played on the Ahazi server up until the so called combat "upgrade". I played a Trandoshan named Otin and leveled every single class combination in the game and was among the very first people to unlock Jedi on our server. I still miss that game to this day for all the amazing features it offered; but alas I can wax about that for hours so I will move on. Once the combat upgrade hit I took a break from MMO's until right when Burning Crusade launched and a friend of mine got me hooked. Thus began my long and distinguished WoW career. I was lucky enough to join a few very good guilds through the years and was able to down every end game boss in WoW from BC up until Cataclysm playing as either a Hunter or a Disc Priest for most of that journey. All things must end and with the launch of Cataclysm my interest in WoW died out.

I had been waiting for SWTOR since I first heard about it back in... 2006/07? I've always been a huge Star Wars and BioWare fan so the melding of the two was a dream come true. I was able to play off and on during Beta as time allowed and decided to roll a Smuggler at launch; which I ended up doing. However; most of my friends were playing Empire side so I went over there and helped form the guild "Malediction" of which I am still a proud co-leader. With the changes in 3.0 I have started to play my Republic characters a bit more and have fallen in love with my Commando. I wanted to find a home for him and Saberwing was spoken of very highly so here I am haha.

I foresee this being a very good and profitable relationship for everyone involved and I cannot wait to get to know everyone better Wink

Welcome to saberwing!

Are you the same Nobody who put out Polyphemus's eye?

Welcome! You'll find a ton of our members also played SWG and would love to chat with you about it. My first character on Ahazi was Kudons Demiheure, a combat medic.

Looking forward to grouping with you sir.

Adun - Nice reference Big Grin
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Welcome to the guild!
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Welcome mister!
[Image: 70da112970815893.png]

Ketricel Wrote:I live in North Carolina

Sorry mate, we're all full up on Tarheels, it's probably best if you leave now.

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