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Managing Expectations

So, bumped into one of the admins on SWGAwakening while I was shouting for someone to train me in Artisan this morning. Good bloke, talked a bit about the server and such. The one gripe I know I've had is the server reboots. The server updates data and stores in 1min intervals, so you can be rolled back up to two minutes of play if it goes down. Minimum uptime is 2hr 15min, with as high as 24 continuous hours having been reached. This is apparently light years ahead of other EMU servers and will improve with scaling. There's currently 1500+ independent accounts in just 3 months since the mid-November launch and the current capacity is 3000. They have plans to scale upward which will spread across more servers and make for more consistant play, and then the shameless plug for a paypal donation which I was expecting. If you pay attention to the general chat (not spatial) there are usually a couple who are timing since the last server downtime and will give a warning if it's inside of 10 min.

There is a very strong newbie support system. In asking for training, mentioned I was too poor to shuttle to Coronet from Espa and would just save for the npc. Had three emails with 2-5k attached within seconds, unsolicited. Good folks, it seems Smile Saved the names so I could repay once Wraith Squadron Weaponry/Armory/Shipwright/Architecture/Flea Market is up and running.

Also, Jedi is mysterious, available, and the only official hint is /check, which gives the same answer to everyone.

More as I get it Confusedcy:

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