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Greetings from a retired pirate

Hi there SBR!

An old GLer here from the days of yore. Was poking about on google tonight to see what of Ghost Legion could be found, and stumbled across you. Imagine my surprise when I saw that lo, there was activity in the forums! Real, live, LSFers!

I was taking a trip down memory lane thanks to yet another night immersed in Elite: Dangerous. Anyone here play? The game got released a bit early but it is starting to take shape - the next update will hopefully enable some fun cooperative play. It's not perfect, but damn if it's not pretty close to the space game I've always wanted to play. If you're curious I am happy to evangelize and answer any questions =p

Was a real treat to see SBR still kicking. Kudos to you all for keeping her alive. Ghost Legion is sadly no more, but the friendships formed then carry on.


Krytoss aka Ewok

Krytoss omg.... been so long lol... SR here and good seeing you around, a bunch of us actually got into SWG again and enjoying it very much, it is a pre-cu server, maybe you could be interested as well?

Anyhow it is a good game, and we are running on the awakening server, should be details specified somewhere else in this part of the forum for it if so.

Now I wonder if Katana will poke her face back in as well being one of the rare GL visitors as well lol.

The first decade is the hard one. After that, it gets easier.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

SR! Hey! Hope you are well

I am thoroughly engrossed with Elite: Dangerous. It is sucking up my entire life. It is the game I have waited for my entire life. Sounds a bit dramatic but damn if it isn't true. The AceOfAngels crowd would fit in well.

Pallos! I don't think we ever really met but I do recognize the name.

I haven't chatted to Kat in ages, but I keep in touch with AlphaJew, Dukayn, and Taran. (I am heading down to Taran's wedding next month actually).

Kat bump into me now and then on a yearly basis or something lol... other actual GL'ers hmm not been seeing many of them around as of late... usually been in touch with the BC people and Venera for the most part in that area of the world.

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