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Starsider Hollow in trouble

we lost a couple of members of the city, so we need to add in a few more characters to keep our city or at least to stay above the border line for losing the shuttle.

Just a heads up, I can add two more citiziens to SH, but doing such would only be done if others are interested in following up on it as well.

Would like to see +10 added to it, I will tip in for maintaince if a problem, and I know I would add +2 citizens

I can add a few.. the members we lost were my daughters' toon and nis's alts
The real question is, and I hate to ask it but, is it worth it? There are how many of us actively playing now? I am not even on daily since I got this new job I am so worn out at the end of the day. If we aren't able to grow as a guild or a city though it will just continue to die

I am actually on daily though not as active as used to be though, in short waiting for certain materials of certain standards to spawn... but I just have this feeling.

Anyhow it wont kill me if we shut down the city, but would not mind to have a couple of weeks to move my stuff to another location though if the case, basically a logistic nightmare for me though but doable.

I'm still around though I don't do too much these days. I would like to keep things going. I was actually going to give you a big pile of credits Pol so you can just keep up the maintenance on all your structures. If getting on and replacing houses and paying up the maintenance for a few months is too much hassle I get that. I would like to keep the option open in case I get back into the game in a big way again. I know I just paid up all my maintenance through the end of this year.

I put a bunch of credits into the city hall. I believe you can pull credits out of the city hall as mayor pol, so feel free to take out 2 million or so to keep things going if you can. Thanks.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I too am starting to sit on a big pile of gold, probably not as much as mep though, am still in the process of putting my brand up the QuorTek way, people do buy for a decent amount of credits per week.

Been tryign to acquire a few 30k resource kits for an instance I need those badly for another push >_<

I add one resident, so we are back up to 45 and I dropped off some houses in Pols shop for any replacements that are needed. I also go and bank tip people I know still have a house in the city so they have some credits in their bank for their houses to draw upon.

If at the end of the year I am not doing much of anything or if no one else is either, we can shut down. Not sure where I would move too, most cities don't do the research center and if the city goes poof I should probably call it a day on this game. Though like I said, we are at 45 residence now and credits aren't an issue and logging in and paying maintenance at this point isn't a big deal. So keeping things going for now shouldn't be a big issue. All I have been doing, and a few factory runs here and there to keep the vendors stocked.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I'll probably grind out some credits so that my houses don't go poof so much.
[Image: sig.jpg]

I am good to keep going too, guess I just wish we had more activity Tongue

Would not mind doing stuff with you pol or for that sake mep as well, but would need more combatant ways in a figure of speech.. for an instance I hunt krayt dragons... and even that I can heal myself I don't have to because they die before I ever have to heal myself but not having to because of to good resists, speeding the process would be alpha omega though, would share some of the profit from eg. use of kray tissues and could share pearl value 50/50 naturally.

Very much appreciated that you guys want to help on keeping the city going though, that way we do not need to break what we already got.

I can try and convince Belle to remake her toon and declare. That would be 1. I still pop in now and then, but no one is on when I do. I'll be playing a lot more once SWTOR is dead, for what that is worth.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

We need more people though it is back to 45 residents, and I see a condemned structure, so if you guys still have some lots to spend, please add a structure or two and claim residence in our city or we migth lose the shuttle tomorrow.

Currently I have 6 houses with paid maintaince on them. if funds is an issue would not mind to chip in to keep the city going, mostly for reasons that it is in the middle of nowhere... and that I do not want our city to blow up.

The condemned structure was sonic's house. I banked tip everyone on the citizen list so when their house runs out of cash their bank has money to draw from. This should stop the loss of citizens but not sure if sonic has to come on to fix his house or not. Q, I have 8 residents, if you could add a couple more that should fix this problem, even if we lose Sonic.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

not going above 6 toons, sorry am stretched far enough also have no idea which max limits they are going to make on toons on the server either.

For now it is 10 toons max and they just increased the item limits per house, so clearly there are no db problems. So I wouldn't worry about the character limit for now. As to being stretched thin - create a couple toons, tip them enough to get out to starsider, put a house down, declare residence, pay up maintenance for a long time, long them out and don't touch them again. The idea is to keep the city going, not necessarily to create new toons for playing.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Sonic's house went poof and Quortek replaced it with a bunch of harvesters for T21s, so we are now down to 44 residence. If someone that lost a house can come on and place just one house and declare that would be great. We have been sitting at 45 residences for a while now. I've been bank tipping all the residences so they have money on the bank to cover the auto deposits into their houses. There are 3 house deeds in pols house and plenty of credits to go around. So if someone can take 10 minutes to put a house down, please do so.

[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

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