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4.0 Ops groups

I've Noticed we've had a lot of new recruits coming into saberwing lately. I'd like to set up 2 Ops groups for 4.0. Plz post if interested. Which character you would like to bring, and what role, and what days your available to do Operations.

I would be interested in doing ops with the new expansion. I am still planning on taking Cendyra through the expansion first, so she will probably be my new op person. She is still dps. Currently, the best days for me to do ops are Monday-Thursday.

I can do Monday, Wed, Thursday, and Friday for now. Saturdays during non-football season(college). I can't do Sundays or Tuesdays though.

Characters....Sonya for sure then not sure who other would be at this moment.

Raggi, Gunslinger sharpshooter/dps

Tuesdays, wensdays, noon-8pm PST.

I'm free most nights after 8pm central.

I'd like to bring in Lelra - healer scoundrel - but I have a sentinel and sage healer as well if you need that for a group.

I can come on two day a week. I like the current choices (Wen + Sun) but other days are possible. Currently I have only Marouque as a Lvl 60 (TNK + DPS).

My characters Zellusea - Trooper DPS

Shellusea - Sage Healer

geared mostly for low level pvp, but I can help out in story modes most nights. 8 PM - 1 AM EST

I have a few blackout dates every 2 months 9/10 - 9-13 those nights ill be working all day/night.

Vin here guys.

I'm down for raids. I can use any of my 4 alts to raid so let me know which one would be more useful. Though Vineth is the most currently geared.

Vineth - 60 Scoundrel DPS (can switch to heals if needed)
Verinth - 60 Shadow Tank
Traser - 60 Vanguard DPS
Tyllan - 60 Guardian DPS

My schedule is I have class late Monday and Wednesday Evenings. In my mind the best time would either be Thursday Evenings, or any time fridays. But I'm flexible.

Hey I want to run ops if they be story mode or more hard core type doesn't matter much to me I'm in for it. Now for what I would run, basically anything you need. Right now I am working to try and finish off the last of the advanced classes I need so if you can give me a heads up what that is I will make it a point to finish that class off first. Right now I have a Gunslinger 60, Sentinel 60, Shadow 55, Sage 58, Scoundrel 55, Commando 46, Vanguard 45, and a lowbie Guardian thats around level 30.
So take your pick and I will finish them off.

Group is set up. Raid time Will be 9 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday- 11 pm eastern.

Maroque (shadow)
Vineth (shadow)

Sonya (sage)
Raggi (slinger)
Kruphix (on vanguard)
Open slot
Lelra (scoundrel)
Zellusea (sage)

If anyone can't make the the time I've set up for the raid plz let me know so I can try to change it to work for as many as possible.

The other Group time will be Wensday 8-11, we May be adding Friday 8-11 but we need to discuss that more. edit as I figure that out.


Cielle (shadow)
Marce (Guardian) (I think)

Rogez (shadow DPS)


Would it be possible for the first group to push the time back to 9pm eastern? I don't put the kids to bed until then and there's no way I can run an op and get them ready to sleep.

Wednesday and Fridays work best for Hanak and I, possibly weekends too. Hanak is not available any other day since he teaches.
[Image: a88dbc04c9c13c27.png]

Oh, excited to tank with Marce again too if it all works out!
[Image: a88dbc04c9c13c27.png]

Hey guys in my ops group, I was chosen to be raid lead. (Sonya)

I'd like to pick a day before 4.0 comes out to have a meeting with everyone in the group to see where people's at. Also to express any concerns and ideas. Hopefully I won't Leroy Jenkins too much with you guys. lol I'll do my best for you guys. I'm not going to put any pressure on you guys. We're going to go in and have fun. I've worked with some of you before in raids already. I'm probably going to start us out on either Karragga's Palace or Eternity Vault. If you guys want to get a bit of a head start, check out the ops on youtube or dulfy if you haven't done them. Would like to get us familiar with the puzzles too. I'm hoping after a few runs all of us will know how the puzzles work.

I'm in for the fun whenever needed. Looking forward to it.
I have both Marce and Shania available as either tank or dps.
[Image: 70da112970815893.png]

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