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We are first in Alderaan! This is our last attempt at a planet for a while, and we have a very good chance at taking this one. It will take a combined effort from us all, so please join up and get your 50k conquest points.

Once 4.0 hits, Conquest will be shut down for a month. That makes this a good time to try. Also, due to the crafting changes this very well could be our last real shot at it since Alderaan has no crafting bonuses. Besides, it was the first planet we tried if memory serves, and I'd love to stake our claim to it.

See you in game.

As always, thank you for whatever you can do.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

If anyone has nerve damaging chemicals, cosmic trace particles, alien bacteria, artificial microbes and you're not using them, send them to Sonya. I'm going to need a lot of mats this coming week. I'll pretty much take any biomats used to craft infantry kits. Right now I do not have the mats needed to do a craft 24/7 through sunday. I may have enough to give a small push the first 2-3 days. I have about 6 bio crafters. Any donations are appreciated. I've spent a bunch of credits already on mats, but what I need isn't coming up on gtn right now.

Saberwing is currently #1 on Alderaan, we are up against our great friends at Pax Dominus, as of now I'm not seeing many Sabers online to help with the war effort which concerns me greatly. We need to get everyone out there and keep our numbers on top.

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