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Conquest Petering Out on Weekend

We need to start figuring out a plan for the petering out of conquest on the weekends. Currently we're out of the top 10 again.

I know flagship plans are no longer important, but being in the top 10 in conquest is. This can hurt our recruiting and make people think saberwing is starting to be inactive.

My ideas:

1. We need to take inventory of our members. See who's active, who's not, etc.

2. I'd like for us to start hitting commanders again for points.

3. If possible, every active member, we should make a recruitment week have a goal where everybody active recruits at least 1 new member. Could even set up some kind of reward program or something.

If we want to win another world and work on getting galactic conqueror title, we have to work on finishing the week in the top ten. Right now honestly we're not going to win any worlds cause we can't seem to finish out the week. I know flagship plans don't seem worth it, but I hate seeing people making conquest goals and lose out on the plans. You can still make money on them. Everyone should be able to make conquest goals. Its been pretty easy for the most part. I wish some of us were able to craft like old and keep us in there, but that sort of thing is no longer every week, and even so guilds now are stockpiled to where crafting isn't effective on those weeks either.

I thought after three straight weeks of petering out on the weekends that conquest needed addressed.

I like the recruitment idea, but as a suggestion not a requirement. Rewards sound good. Crystals, weapons, armor and the like? Also, Commanders are always a great idea. Weeknights are good for me.

Oh, and on the weeks we do place all members should consider giving their flagship plans to the guildbank. It allows me to sell the purples we create for six million (or so) each. That goes directly into the guild funds. For example, we just recently used our surplus to buy another guild tab. Every little bit helps.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Are the guild tabs unlimited?

I don't believe so. I think there is only one left. But honestly, I'd have to look it up.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

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