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  Upcoming Light/Dark Event
Posted by: adun12345 - 06-27-2016, 11:52 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Hey Sabers,

The Light vs. Dark Event (dum-dum-DUM!) begins tomorrow; details and guide here:

For those of you who have been away from the game for awhile, this might be an opportunity to log back in, roll a new toon, and check out the streamlined leveling and some of the new content. I'll be pulling for Team Light Side, but if you want to go Dark Side I promise I won't tell Kirby Wink

Anyway, this will be running until the Fall, so definitely check it out at some point. I'll be traveling a lot this summer, but I'll be trying to log back in a bit more regularly to do my part.

Be seeing you!

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  Operation Sign-up, Wednesday June 29, 2016
Posted by: Marce - 06-15-2016, 08:57 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Hello Sabers,

this is a sign-up thread for our Wednesday operations run on Juni 29, 2016. Please sign-up here if you want to join that Wednesday. If the list already has 8 people, please Register anyway since people might have to cancel last minute or might not show up anyway (what I don't hope Tongue).

The run will start at 8:30 PM EST, so please be there before that time for invites.
We'll run a SM or HM Operation. Which one will be decided close to start time.

Registration List:
- Marce (dps)
- Marouque (tank)
- Cyrenia (dps)
- Aarronn (healer)
- Emeraude (tank)

- Kirby (healer)

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  Dant Herb meat
Posted by: QuorTek - 06-09-2016, 06:17 PM - Forum: Star Wars Galaxies - No Replies

Hey mep.... I believe that is one of your key ingredients righto?

it is almost dual capped on pe/oq though, just a heads up, unless you already am on it.

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  Help needed - SWG
Posted by: QuorTek - 05-30-2016, 10:52 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Hey guys

I know some of you guys do have toons on the SWG server we play on, could it be possible if some of you guys would log in and place some houses and maybe some alts within the border limit of the city so we can keep the size of it maybe?

Me and mep would be gratefull if so, mep has placed some houses in pols shop for use.

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  Starsider Hallow Dropped a Rank
Posted by: Meparch - 05-29-2016, 06:45 PM - Forum: Star Wars Galaxies - No Replies

We lost a citizen this weekend causing the city to drop a rank and 100m radius, which lost us another 10 citizen, 3 of which were mine, including Meparch. This means I don't have a militia character and therefore I have no means to get structures and new people placed.

We are just short 11 residence 3 of which I can produce, so just need 7 more. This is very doable. I placed 15 small houses in Pol's house with 100k of prepaid maintenance in them. They are in a bag above a statue next to the door as you come in.

So I just need one of my characters that are still a citizen to be made militia and then if anyone wants to make another character and place a house, it would be a huge help.


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  That moment you realize you can't be a great writer
Posted by: Pallos - 05-23-2016, 09:39 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Because you can't delay gratification long enough to make a character death brilliant. If you saw (or read) game of thrones you know what I mean. The payoff on that storyline that has been working its way through I don't know how many books and four years of a TV series was fantastic. How they could sit on that so long is unreal.

Look I didn't even spoil it. And since it's game of thrones, telling you someone died is like telling you water is wet.

Edit: However Arch did spoil it so stop reading here if you don't want to ruin it.

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  Upcoming Balance Changes
Posted by: adun12345 - 05-14-2016, 11:08 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

I'm sad that PT/VG are losing their 30m attacks Sad

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  Eve Free to play weekend
Posted by: Pallos - 05-04-2016, 09:30 PM - Forum: EVE Public - No Replies

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  Happy Star Wars Day!
Posted by: adun12345 - 05-04-2016, 05:20 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Check it:

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  Help needed.
Posted by: Starfire - 05-01-2016, 12:00 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Well, after four years we finally dropped under 50 active accounts in Old Republic, and our 10% bonus for reputation is now 9.6%. I would really appreciate it if you could all log in briefly to push us back over the top. It is a small bonus, but it helps for those of us playing the game.

Thank you.

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