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  Sticks & Stones: Sage TK PvP stats
Posted by: Ciel - 04-21-2016, 12:33 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

This link has the numbers to aim for with Sage TK. It includes a breakdown of enhancement types, augments ,implants, relics, and earpiece that you will need. There is also a section about utilities to use. Remember when buying the mainhand, purchase the Mystic lightsaber as it has crit on it. Otherwise you will be using more comms to replace the enhancement later.

This link has the ability equivalent for Sorc Lightening/ Sage TK, just to give you an idea for the rotation, which can be found on the previous link.

Hope this helps some!

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  Parting ways from Saberwing
Posted by: Cillian Harth - 03-25-2016, 03:10 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

It has come with great regret and sadness that I must step down as a member and officer of Saberwing due to the inactivity during my timeslot and switching over with Pax Dominus as I start the recruitment process with them. I love this guild and community and I will always look back on you all with great fondness and pride, I want to personally thank Kirby for trusting me as his pvp officer and giving me the opportunity to let me grow as the kind of leader that I could bring to Saberwing, with this experience I learned and developed into a pvp machine along side with Jaxio (who is greatly missed in-game), she and I poured our heart and soul into it, that was when people from other guilds really started to notice us, along side with A'dun, Kirby etc we became the template pvp'ers of Saberwing for awhile.

I also want to thank Meryl who was the one who introduced me to Saberwing back in Star Wars Galaxies, we have been friends for many years now and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, so Meryl you I am in your debt.

I would also would like to thank Hanak, Cielle, Sonic, Polgara, Doc, Marce, Quinlin, and yes even Quortek Big Grin for your leadership, your friendship and for the much needed advice that came in handy more than once.

Even though I am departing from the guild, deep down I will always be apart of Saberwing, and this community of friends.

See you guys on the other side...


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  So I am going to get some new hardware.. eventually.
Posted by: QuorTek - 03-18-2016, 09:14 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Next Generation Nvidia or AMD GFX?

Eventually I think it is about time to get a new system soon through out this year of 2016.

Personally I prefere the X79... X99 standard for motherboards... going all out it seem as well here as it paid off the last time I upgraded my system which sucked me into being addicted to SSD drives as well.

So I guess it is time to wait a bit untill the next generation 2011-v3 CPU's come out of the closet as well as next gen GFX cards.

Anyhow any thoughts to it or ideas and suggestions for sure is welcome.

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  Open world PVP with Pax Dominus!
Posted by: Banakapalata - 03-03-2016, 05:46 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

The PVP leaders of pax dominus wish to plan a open world pvp event in the outlaws den, I would like to get info from people who are interested. What day and time they will be able to make it and what class/roll they will be bringing.

Any questions please contact me, here or in game.


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  It is that time again.
Posted by: Starfire - 02-23-2016, 10:46 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Our active numbers in Old Republic are dropping again, so I'm once again calling everyone who has an account to please update the client, (or even reinstall it) and log in with at least one character.

There are a lot of new changes, and you might even want to stay a while once you check them out. Wink Regardless, it would be a big help to your fellow Sabers that are still playing even if you just popped in and out. That is all it takes.

I appreciate it.

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  Upcoming PvP Changes
Posted by: adun12345 - 02-12-2016, 11:37 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

The latest developer diary contained a lot of material, but suggested that they would be adding a cross-faction WZ, which I assume means mixed teams of Pubs and Imps.

I'm not a fan of this idea. Fight on the same side as Imps? Meh.

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  Special Friday HM Ops on February 5!
Posted by: Marce - 01-13-2016, 09:31 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

This week the highlighted hardmode is Karagga's Palace. So I would like to get as many guild members as possible a chance to get 224 stuff.

Please sign up here if you want to join me on Friday, February 5 from 8pm EST for a quick run through KP hardmode. You should have 216 gear or around that, it's not that hard.

People signed up so far:

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  New Wednesday Ops Group
Posted by: Marce - 01-13-2016, 09:24 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Hi everyone, this will be the thread to organize our new or renewed Wednesday Ops Group.

Permanent members right now are:


<open slot>

<open slot>

Poeple who said they might come from time to time eventually:
Xull (healer)

We'll be running as usual every Wednesday from 8:00pm EST to max. 11:00pm EST. Please be there at least 10 minutes ahead of time.

If needed, we might organize extra runs for Friday or other days separately.

Please post here, if you would like to become part of the Team. We'll setup a rotation if we're more than 8 people or could even try 16-man operations if there is enough demand.

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  Blood fin?
Posted by: Red_Dawg - 01-10-2016, 02:39 AM - Forum: Star Wars Galaxies - No Replies

Is anyone playing SWG Emu?

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  Is the Force Awakens a rehash of the original trilogy?
Posted by: Cillian Harth - 12-20-2015, 04:11 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Seems like it

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