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This is for the doubters about SOE"s involvement in Pirates of the Burning Sea

I saw that today on the E3 coverage on G4TV and I so want to get that when it comes out, looks like fun and get to keep in shape at the more hearing your gonna get fat and lazy playing video games, huh? Smile

Oh and the Wii video is awesome.
[Image: sig.jpg]

when SoE enters it could end up being trash!

and higher bill on a SoE station account those greedy fucking bastards says I!

as for all the fans, vanguard had alot of fans too... but well look ahead for a pre-released game with tonnes of bugs in it!

Super Smash Brothers Brawl on December 3rd!!! Woohoo!!!


Ok, I'm good.

Wii Fit looks sweet too. I'm thinking 1080 Wii version with that balance board facing forward. Talk about snowboarding. Big Grin
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

So looking forward to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, thats gonna rock, I tell ya. BTW Star, every gonna register my Wii console number, lol :tongue:

All of a sudden everyone is talking about Wii now Sad

OFF TOPIC Tongue *lol*

Yeah, yeah. You know I brought the sheet down with your Wii number on it. Still have to enter it in. :jc:
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

You know Kirby, you can do kidney damage by putting off taking a piss all the time. So stop taking your time with that, though I am sure Bell gets amused by all the dancing around.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Should prove interesting at Dragon*Con to see that since his Wii will be at home, how Kirb will be able to cope.....I will have my DS so I will be fine Big Grin
BTW, you know I will bug you from now till you do add my number :hatchet:

Yeah, Belle and I are bringing the DS's. (DSii?) Couldn't be that long without a Nintendo.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

I hate the wii becuz neitendo is to kidy and low graphics for me but then the whole controler thing is cool but im sticking by halo3 and PotBS becaue only reason beta aint top notch is cuz they are rebuildongit ot make it perfect so minimal updates ((no CU or NGE repeats)) SOE will never have say in the game itself Tongue
* SBR_Scythe tosses RSFS_Cheif a Coke
<SBRLestat> a sprite for me scythe
<SBR_Starfire> Hey Scythe, I'll have a cock
<SBR_Starfire> oh my god
<SBR_Starfire> I'm never going to live that one down am I?
<SBR_Scythe> nope

Quote:Originally posted by Mario Genao11
I hate the wii becuz neitendo is to kidy and low graphics for me but then the whole controler thing is cool but im sticking by halo3 and PotBS becaue only reason beta aint top notch is cuz they are rebuildongit ot make it perfect so minimal updates ((no CU or NGE repeats)) SOE will never have say in the game itself Tongue

There is no such thing as a perfect MMO, even years down the road. Thats the entire point of that genre of game, is that they are in constant evolution, (maybe not constant *cough* WoW *cough*) Point being, especially at launch I doubt very much the game will be *Perfect* and need minimal to no updating. With the system they have for PvP alone, it will likely need tweaking on a regular basis once it goes live. Nothing stresses the coding of an MMO more than when you have tons of new players all slamming the servers all at once. You find bugs you didn't even know were there.

As for SOE's involvement, I think its somewhat naive to absolutely discount the idea that Sony might try and garner some control of the game down the road. Just because they fucked SWG up with the NGE, doesn't mean they are death for all games. EQ1 and EQ2 are still relatively popular games, no where near what WoW has for subscriber base granted, but still a money making enterprise over all.

Sony has realized that if they can't beat WoW with one game, they'll try and make up for it by owning the rights to many. I myself say its only a matter of time before SOE starts to, covertly even, assert its control. This won't necessarily be a bad thing though, they did a great job on some of their games. And really EQ1 is the game that really exploded the MMO market, so you have to give them props for that, even if you didn't play/like the game. There new MMO, "the Agency" actually seems kinda fun lol, a little bit cartoony, but still an interesting idea.

I don't know how PotBS will turn out, seems to be a unique idea if nothing else, that will fill a niche within the MMO market. A year from now this discussion will be moot anyhow. We will know by then likely the full extent of SOE's involvement, and how well the game does off the bat will determine that imo.

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