Don't get me wrong, I drive a Pontiac and it is fantastic. Reliable as hell, and I love it. I just think GM went a bit overboard on the "Look at us we paid for the movie so we are going to blow up a Mustang cause we can" crap. I mean seriously. It was an hour and a half GM commercial. (Thanks for the line Sonic. I liked FF Tokyo Drift by the way. Silly, but entertaining.)
I guess since I own both a GM and a Ford I can't pick sides. I was taught to drive on an old Nissan so I love Japanese cars too. Heh. Hell, to be honest car companies are one of the very few things I don't pick a side on. That said, I never cared for Chevy designs. :vespa:
I am however digging the new Electric stuff, but that's a different argument.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.