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Anyone who is available for the Heroic instances listen up

T'omo is making a list for anyone who will be available for the heroic quests this way we wouldn't have to keep asking over and over again whose available and who isn't, just ask T'omo to add you to the list if your interested in these instances.

Go here!

Wow.. 10 million Jedi, and I'm the only Commando available for all three. =p

But, I'd keep in mind some of these people haven't completed these instances - if at all possible try to hit me up and we can easily get some SoA peeps as fillers.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to arrange anything lately, been spending time with my girlfriend before I leave for next semester. Which I feel is more important. :thumbsup:

I'll be on more this next week for instances. AND we got another medic in our guild!
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

to be honest I am not much for being with a lot of strangers and too many jedi in an instance as it is... so I am actually happy with the SBR + SoA thing we already got.

I am keyed and ready to go Cillian, just let me know.

Tiberious Respec Jedi CL 90, Dang that Dreded NGE

Tibber D'tiger Officer CL 46, Recpec Ent Lvl 90

Return with Honor

SW:TOR Beta Testing Squadron 238

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