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It is your destiny.....

[Image: 41c4q0DwO3L._SS500_.jpg]

So now that the game is out, what colors is everyone buying?

Star, don't lie, we know you have one.

On a related front, is Forced Unleashed worth buying? If so, is the Wii version worth the watered down graphics? The reviews so far haven't been all that great.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Personally, I love TFU. And if anyone's giving it bad reviews, their looking WAY too deep into everything. The game is about great graphics and having evil fun with the Force. I'll admit that the Digital Matter physics don't work quite like they should, but lets face it, that was expected. I personally was up from 9:30pm to 2:30am last night/this morning playing it :lol:

Been playing the Wii version for a while. It's damn good looking if you ask me, and far more fun that the other console versions. (I've played the demo on the MS box. I doubt the Sony version is much different.) I never get tired of using the nunchuk to do force push. It's damn fun. The story is surprisingly decent too. Although killing Jedi is not sitting well with me. I much prefer waxing stormtroopers.

Oh and Arch I actually don't have a lightsaber attachment. Surprisingly.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Ahaha Should've known you'd be queasy at killing Jed Kirbs. Me... I kill EVERYONE o.o

Execute Order 66 indeed.... I AM Order 66....


Is there an online multiplayer option with the Wii?


I don't think TFU is multi at all..... On any platform....

Then I'll be saving my money and not buy a Wii just yet

Although the Wii has the exclusive Jedi Temple level where you go and fight multiple visions of past Sith Lords, and kill lots and lots of the 501. (Least I assume its the 501. Maybe just some random stormies.) It's good stuff.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Well that's cool.... hope they release that for the 360 version, it does say content download on the cover :tongue:

I think it is a wii exclusive to make up for the sucky graphics.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Meryl Haddox Wrote:o.o

I don't think TFU is multi at all..... On any platform....

On the Wii, PSP, and Nintendo DS The Force Unleashed is multiplayer. So...while all you 360 and PS3 dudes out there are pressing your buttons, we will be swinging our lightsabers at our best buds.

No online multiplayer - and I believe because they know it isn't needed for console, but a necessity for PC - which makes me quite excited for that release, at least it had better be released for PC.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

No PC release.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Archangel Wrote:No PC release.

Yeah, that might actually be a good idea. And since when does this world run off of good ideas?

The "offical" reason it won't be on the PC is because PCs aren't silcon enough to handle the game. Yep, PC isn't powerful enough but cell phones are. Ok the DS isn't a cell phone but you get the idea.

The real reason is they fear pirating of the PC version will hurt sales of the cell phone version so no PC version, no pirating. I guess I could umm, down load the trail version of the Wii version and see how it is.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

hmmm... why would you buy a glowy stick like this eh?

As for no PC release... hmm I guess the game is not powerfull enough GFX wise to be released on PC or something.

It is a common fact that Consoles quickly fall behind as it is.

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