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What ever people's reasons are for doing their own thing is their own reason. No real explaination needed. These games are a lot more fun when everyone is envolved though, so some disappointment is expected when everyone isn't envolved.

And after our last ass kicking we pretty much had the reset button pressed on us. So we are back to the begining of the game more or less. With that said I am all for a new game, something free to play would be great and something a little more double X friendy is fine by me. I think the best suggestion so far is LORT. I have no suggestions myself other than lets do something.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

If that was the reset button, it needs pushed more often as I'm probably doing better then I have for awhile... minus a few ships at least.
[Image: sig.jpg]

Yeah, that was far from a reset. A set back, at worst. Look, the point is, don't use a double standard on me. I ask you to play EVE, you have your reasons not to. Fine. But don't get sentimental when I say I'm not going to play TOR, even if the reasons seem shallow to you. If I respect your reasons, please respect mine.

I ate a brownie once.

If any of this is due to my comment about playing cause your friends are, I apologize. However, I would like to point out that I did say or don't, and that wasn't sarcastic or mean spirited, but I meant that if you feel because we are playing it isn't a good enough reason to play it, don't waste your money or time on something that won't give you enjoyment. We all play to have fun, relax, and (in many cases at least) leave real life behind for a bit. I would love to play TOR will all of you, but I respect you enough to realize that if you don't want to play and only are because we made you do it, you (probably) won't enjoy it.
"Ghost Legions? Bunch of common criminals... they shouldn't give us any problems sir." - Last transmission of Col. Henry Driver, 4th Tau Ceti Lancers.

Quite your whining Sonic and get with the in crowd, you don't want to be a loner and an outsider all your life do you? Move with the crowd, not against it.

And if your for that, we're all about to jump off a bridge too Big Grin

All joking and whatnot aside though, you do as you see fit, you play what you like, for anyone to come down on you for your choices, well lets face it, their not a friend. I'm sure at some point though you may give TOR a shot, using a 5 day free pass or however they'll do that. But as I said, the choice is entirely up to you, and no one can change or take that away from you, and no one should ever judge you for it either

This has turned into one of the best threads we have had in a while. My two cents..

Sonic is aiming that EVE thing at me as much as anyone. Scythe said it best I think. The reason I haven't joined EVE is because it is not Star Wars. I know that is kind of shallow, but I also don't like starting an MMO halfway through. It's a pain in the ass to get up to speed. With both TOR and Guild Wars 2 coming out, I will be jumping in on day 1 for both of them. Also, I agree with Ryna. It doesn't really matter what game we are playing as long as it is with the Sabers. So if it means that much to you Sonic I will join EVE, but it sounds like we are already falling off there. Arch might not resub, and apparently we just had a reset? Anyway, you know what I do to a game when I join it halfway through. I killed Guild Wars dead.

Heh, all this talk about playing with the Sabers.... Do you realize I've been subbed to SWG since day 1 on the hopes that some of you would come back in? I keep waiting... =P

Regardless, I think we should plan for two or three games and just stick with them. Guild Wars 2 is going to be free, and I know some of us are going to play that. TOR is the 900 pound gorilla and pay or not, most of us will start day 1. Is there anything else coming that we could get into? Did that XvT virtual server thing ever get going?
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Well.. I don't got a point about playing the game if there is no free form space fligth, it just comes down to kotor or some random MMO I am already playing, it is not really starwars this way flying in around on a rail hitting a random button to shoot down a target.

As they show it off now, we all might as well just start playing SWG again lol, there you at least kind of get the full package, didn't know that bioware or maybe rather EA, LA or BW would put down there playerbase like this.

If it was EvE alike up there, well would be fine really, but it is not either, just a random thing you do, hitting random things doing the same ti´hing over and over again.

You could make it like Starwars Battle Front II with the space thing it would work out and regardless of chosen flight it would all be the same gear and stats all coming down to true skills.

As of current point I don't see why I should pay 15 bucks a month for playing a game I can have for free by playing a random free MMO out there as it is, yes the uber mighty starwars thing.. but come on there is more to it than just that, it also need the feature to actually be starwars as well, without space flight the XvT alike way with free form it simply would not cut it for me, ´sorry guys but that is just how it is, it fails so terrible this way and why should everyone just pull together again for this, we have done this too many times already with so many games that even that somewhat start to become old, I want the full package if I am going to play the game, I don't want to click with a mouse while auto flying through space on a set path you can't change or anything just be shooting ducks as they pass by.

Rather want to play another game where it is not so strong in focus that either you hav eto be a Jedi or Sith, but rather having a huge choice among professions and classes as well as sub classes to play that make you special.

As for a free game: Perfect World International is a good bet, I play on the dreamweaver server there, it is free to play and grant the full dirtside experience too with different gadgets attached to it, almost daily events to take part in and what more.

Can be reached at (my guild site) game site is server I play on is DreamWeaver (US East Coast) character I am mostly on is Akame_Iga how to get in touch with me ingame is doing a ' /Akame_Iga hey Q ' remember it is case sensetive if so.

//begin transmission

You guys are thinking to broadly, and I don't think you see the big picture. I mean you guys are fighting over what games to play. (maybe debating is a better choice for words there) BUT.. Let me open your eyes just a bit. I once was part of an online gaming organization called Ghost Legion - maybe you've heard of it?

What have you heard about it recently? Zip, zero, zilch, nadda. That's because we ran into the same problem, we were trying to force games on people that had no real interest in playing that game. Example: SR's post above me. It drives people away. We were both born on Star Wars, and they can only do so much. After the NGE, GL took off in every opposite direction you could think of. We all tried various games, some stuck, some didn't.

In the end, all we have left is a message board that has no activity. I would hate to see the same thing happen to SBR. Yes, you all say you don't care what game you are playing as long as its with sabers - but in the end you will. We all have different tastes in games.

One thing we all can relate to is Star Wars. Maybe TOR isn't perfect, space is nerfed already blah blah blah. It's a NEW game, different company, and it's Star Wars. Of course it will be different.

Most of you intend on playing it, some of you won't, some will quit after the first month, life will go on. Space or not, the game itself is definitely worth looking into - whether it's a free trial, the first month, reading the forums, checking out updates, videos... whatever.

//end transmission

There are two problems, one, most of us only have time to play one game. The second, we all like to game together. So in effect, we all must play the same game, more or less. Granted some refuse to play the current game of the week/month/year, and that is fine. They actually stick around because there is enough activity from those playing the current game to make this group work.

So I do feel it is important for most of us to be on the same game.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Starfire Wrote:Scythe said it best I think.

I can now die having lived a complete life.

OK, before anyone else gets their tits all in a flutter about the proposed space combat system in TOR, let me say it again. The game doesn't have a release date yet. Let me dredge up another memory.


Remember that crap-tastic physics system that SWG implemented about 2 weeks before JTL release during the beta? It did realistically simulate what space fighter combat likely should be (lets face it, our innate flight perceptions are based on atmospheric flight) but no one wanted it. They wanted XvT, and say what you want about SOE, they bloody delivered. They changed that back in the span of 3-4 days after an upheaval. There's months before this comes out. Personally, I think this is something of a teaser -- like they said, a cinematic space adventure. They've already left the door open to PvP and group missions later, they never locked themselves into the same engine. Would anyone here complain if group and PvP were a free-form system, and storyline missions that were required to progress to the next plot-line were somewhat more constrained? I wouldn't.

This is not a "you should play TOR and not any other game that you think is good" post. This is a "the game is too far out to make final decisions on whether to play it or not" post. I think most of us will still be in at launch. If there's a 2 day sneak preview, we're going to be clamoring to get in. Hell, I camped out for one of the WoW expansions at Best Buy (granted to sell the thing for a hellacious profit, but...) I think I can handle camping out for something I'm actually interested in.

BTW, does that GW2 trailer that Arch posted look hot or what? Eye of the North is the storyline connection between the two. If anyone needs help or wants to play through that in the coming weeks, just holler. I'll be in Columbus for the last week of September, but other'n that.

There isn't a specific date, but the game is slated for Spring 2011.

They have already said that they are planning to keep the system for space they have now (not technically a rail system but I don't recall it).

Reason: To be like the movies, to feel like the movies.

I was watching one of the PAX 2010 videos and they described it in a way that makes perfect sense. TOR is about playing your own Star Wars movie and nowhere in the movies do you see anyone saying 'Oooo...there is an asteroid! Let's fly over there and mine it for a while...' nor do you see them saying 'I want to fly out there and see what I can find'. They are always going somewhere with a purpose and mission in mind and what happens along the way is what makes it so epic. Logically - this is sound. Is it what will satisfy everyone's desires? - naw.

They did say they would work on introducing free flight zones later.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

over here on the other side of the pond ... we were told by bioware reps that the company was aiming for a mid april to early may ( memorial day long weekend ) as a target window in 2011 for launching to live . with a month long open beta prior to the game going live .

anyways whether the space portion is on rails or free form isn't important as long as the game play an storylines are good and we have friends old an new all playing together and everyones having a good time . That's all that should matter . If were all having fun as a whole then the game will have life . If the mmo is a bomb that stinks out the internet , then no one is going to play it past the first month .

I think just a little frustration comes in about the Eve thing and the excuse, "I don't want to come into the middle of it" or "I am too far behind" doesn't make sense in Eve. You can make a character that can do stuff right off. I bought a second account a couple months ago, the new char was fun day 1, useful day 2, and by month 2 it was flying one of the best mining ships in the galaxy.

Then I made a 2nd char on that account and it's rocking the small/fast ships like no other already.

Even on the first day, a newb character can jump in on a fleet mission op. 'Behind' is no excuse at all.

On the flip side if your issue is money or time, I can't argue because they are both great reasons not to play. I'm just sad thinking that when TOR comes out, Eve will just be me, Sonic, and Doc. =T TOR looks pretty, and I'll play at first, but will probably get bored pretty fast.

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