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Sean Dahlberg aka AshenTemper has left Bioware

other known as the Community Manager for the TOR team who brought us updates every friday, i'm abit shocked by this news

Sean has this to say on his offical website

Unplug for one weekend…
September 7th, 2010

It was Labor Day weekend and, while part of me really wanted to, I decided not to go to PAX. Instead, I figured it was a good weekend to unplug and do like other Austinites… bbq, go to the pool, drink some beer, and hang out. Didn’t touch my email much and didn’t check up on my old voicemail (got a new phone recently). I figured if anything important came up, the right people had my new number and would call me up. I start checking up on things today and heard some crazy rumors about me. And maybe start playing a new game… anyone have any recommendations?

A.T. (After Thought): Thanks for all the best wishes and kind words, everyone! I see the tweets, posts, and emails.

No, I’m not terminally ill. No, I didn’t break any bones. No, I didn’t run off and get married. No, I didn’t stay in Germany and run off with anyone. No, I haven’t left earth and taken residence in my very own Death Star to begin the final stages of galactic domination… although that one would be pretty cool. Yes, as announced, I am no longer with BioWare.

For me, it’s been quite a saga and it has been a really hard decision. I’m not only a true believer in the Star Wars: The Old Republic project but this is the best group of people I’ve had the pleasure to work with in and out of the game industry.

Luckily, I’m leaving the community in very capable hands and once the game is out, I’ll be able to play it alongside everyone else. But I fear I’ll never be able to type Star Wars again without italicizing it!

What’s in the next chapter in the life of Sean… well, that would be giving out information and we all know I don’t do that. I’d say just kidding but I actually can’t talk too much about that at this point. Soon™ but not yet.

As for these next few days, I am going to relax and celebrate my birthday. And probably curse Rachel out a bit for being so damn amazing (inside joke). And I’ll probably make some lolcats since that does seem to be a past-time of mine…

He didn't like the way space was going to be, either.

I don't think the devs matter that much. They just do what the moneybags tell them. Nothing ever changes in that regard.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Sorry I can only feel with that guy and be sorry about that he left, reason is they are ruining the game with putting space on rails lol.. them stupid morons don't get it that to be in starwars space you gotta be able to do whatever, not just shooting tame ducks flying by on a preset path.

I'm thinking space will be a mini game in all of this. If the game is good, people will like it, if it sucks we will be playing guild wars 2. Space sucking is confirmed but at least I wasn't expecting any space, at all. So it will all rest on how good the ground game is and if they can beat out guild wars at their own game.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

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