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Lucas has gone broke again,

which means the starwars movies are going back into theaters for yet another cash grab. This time in 3D, cause 3D makes movies better or something like that, especially when they were never shot in 3D to begin with. Of course the best movie will be rolled out to get the whole thing going, so the phantom menace will be out in 2012 marking the end of the world.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

As soon as I read your title, I knew this was going to be the topic.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

this video isn't bad for explaining why Han dumped Jabba's cargo

If Lucas were to continue the saga by creating films 7-9 in 3D, it would be much more profitable.

then why is he giving away half his fortune to charity?

I'm sure your boss isn't going broke yet but rerereleasing the SW is an obvious money grab. When very rich people go out and do things to make themselves even richer, it is more about ego than money. So Lucas being broke means the man is broke in ego.

Why rich people give their money away is a very interesting phenomena. There are egoist reasons, such has having their name on a building or institute or there is a particular cause that affects them personally they want to see something done about. Another reason rich people continue to work, for no need, is for the attention they receive. Giving money to a cause makes them extremely important in that foundation yet requires very little work on their part. A small time/energy commitment is important to people getting up in their years. Mostly it is about staying active and relevant and receiving lots of attention and ass kissing.

I think the rererelease is more about keeping Lucas relevant in an industry where one quickly becomes irrelevant if they aren't constantly in the forefront. Doing the SW movies in 3D accomplishes both goals, gets movies out the door while spending little energy/time. Avatar had to hurt. It made Lucas not the most important film maker of his generation or even the most important scifi film maker of his generation. Personally I am going to cry like only a middle aged bald man can when they bastardize Empire Strikes Back with 3Dness.

Now the clone war cartoon style would lend itself well to 3D tech and it would be nice to see fresh stuff put out on the big screen, even if it is how EP 7,8 and 9 are done this way. Anthony Daniels is always available for voice work.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

[Image: star_wars_motivational_posters_7.jpg]


Yeah, ok, that is something I do not want to see in 3D.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

jeez Meryl that pic was just so not right ... you forgot to photoshop in the gerbal that was arse banging lucas for a menagie a troi to complete the " trilogy" of ewwww .... hrmm maybe a have mr. Potatoe head in bondage gear holding up a cat of nine tails whip saying do it faster harder , stronger and Feel the Darkside of the force , After all Darth tater gotta have some apperance to legitimize the financial rape Lucus wants to commit to the public ^.

My photoshop skills are far, far to weak, I'll leave that up to someone with an imagination such as yours *wink*

kateria Wrote:jeez Meryl that pic was just so not right ... you forgot to photoshop in the gerbal that was arse banging lucas for a menagie a troi to complete the " trilogy" of ewwww .... hrmm maybe a have mr. Potatoe head in bondage gear holding up a cat of nine tails whip saying do it faster harder , stronger and Feel the Darkside of the force , After all Darth tater gotta have some apperance to legitimize the financial rape Lucus wants to commit to the public ^.


kateria Wrote:jeez Meryl that pic was just so not right ... you forgot to photoshop in the gerbal that was arse banging lucas for a menagie a troi to complete the " trilogy" of ewwww .... hrmm maybe a have mr. Potatoe head in bondage gear holding up a cat of nine tails whip saying do it faster harder , stronger and Feel the Darkside of the force , After all Darth tater gotta have some apperance to legitimize the financial rape Lucus wants to commit to the public ^.

Wow.. Kinky. Need to find me a girl like you =P

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