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Alderaan Invasion


The invasion goes well, but we have slipped to 7th place today. I need everyone who can to please raise our point total. We have little chance for first place, but there are rewards for remaining in the top 10. We have a real shot of doing so, we just need more people focusing on the objectives. Hitting L and looking at the conquest tab (the second one) will show you what needs to be done for points. The following give the most points for minimal effort.

Killing 250 NPCs once and Heroics on Alderaan - This is the easiest and quickest thing you can do. Just pop down to Alderaan, head to the Traders Circle waypoint in the Far NE, and do the heroic there. In that time you should manage to kill 250 NPCs, and voila you just added thousands of points to our total. The heroics can be done daily. There is also a heroic that starts in Organa's palace that takes a little longer, but points are points. I believe there are two others as well. Unfortunately the 250 point objective can only be done once per legacy, but it is an easy 3000. Also killing 250 NPCs on Makeb will grant 1000.

Warzones - Since we are parked over Alderaan we get a 2x bonus to warzones. This means that any zone you play (win or lose) gains us a minimum of 1000 points. Turning in the weekly also gives thousands. This is also quickly accomplished.

Groupfinder Flashpoints - The same 2x bonus for Alderaan invasion applies here. Pick a random flashpoint from groupfinder and complete it. Finishing weekly flashpoint quests also grants points.

There are other ways such as crafting war supplies and the like, but the above maximize your time invested. Again, if you wish to see all of the available objectives just hit L and go to the second tab. Make sure you select Alderaan from the list on the right (it should default there) and look left to see all the things you can do to increase our score. This is all voluntary of course, and if you don't want to participate I completely understand. The game is about how you want to play, and nothing more. But if you want to get some great bonuses for our guild (and make an old fart proud), then I will see you at Alderaan.

Thanks Sabers. Return with Honor.

"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

How much longer do we have?

I already hit the 35,000 conquest points total with Kal, but I'd like to get some more points on Crìchton. Unfortunately, I'm working today, and we are visiting some friends this evening. So it will likely be pretty late before I get on.

Alderaan Heroics, World Boss, Commander runs, and even some PVP sounds like a good time, to me. If anyone is still on when I get home, I'd be happy to help with whatever I can.
John Crichton: "Have we sent the ‘don’t shoot us we’re pathetic’ transmission yet?"

[Image: 945c970a534a6782.png][Image: 14c91b0a0dd10784.png]

Just thought I'd add, Kirby - you get additional Conquest points for each WZ weekly you complete on different characters. This counts for pre-55 WZ weeklies, which only require you to compete in five WZs (instead of the fifteen required for the 55 WZ weekly).

So if you have pre-55 alts, definitely consider do some WZs on them: you can burn through the weeklies really fast, and wrack up some points.

We have until Sunday night at midnight.

Great idea A'dun! That would be a quick way of doing it while gaining levels. I like it.

As an update, we are now in 5th. You guys are doing fantastic! I really appreciate the effort. Keep it up!

I have also learned that doing the four heroics on Alderaan takes about 45 minutes or less and give a total of 1500 each. This is repeatable on any character in the guild, so if you do it with four alts, there is 24000 points in a few hours. There are a few heroic 2+'s but I don't know if they count. Someone might have to confirm that for me. Most of those are in the bonus series quests. If they do count, that could speed things up even more. Anyway, the heroics are listed below.

Proof of Treason (Heroic 4+)

NPC: Terminal
Location: Apalis Coast – Foothill Paths (-1039, 1184)

Special Delivery (Heroic 4+)

NPC: Obatt
Location: Alsakan Lowlands – Wardpost Duvaal (483, 1724)

Red Handed (Heroic 4+)

NPC: Samara
Location: Glarus Vallery – Panteer Refuge (-1433, -731)

Looted Secrets (Heroic 4+)

NPC: Surik
Location: King’s Pass – House Trader’s Circle (3026, 519)

Oh and Crichton, where do you get those neat custom character signatures?
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

John Crichton: "Have we sent the ‘don’t shoot us we’re pathetic’ transmission yet?"

[Image: 945c970a534a6782.png][Image: 14c91b0a0dd10784.png]

I had to log out early last night, so I didn't see the results. When I left we were still in 4th place.

What were the final results? Did anyone get a screenshot?
John Crichton: "Have we sent the ‘don’t shoot us we’re pathetic’ transmission yet?"

[Image: 945c970a534a6782.png][Image: 14c91b0a0dd10784.png]

We ended in 4th place, which considering the stiff competition is pretty good I think.

Almost actually scored 3rd, but the other guild did some mad amount of crafting we think. There was still almost two hours to go when I finally logged out.
[Image: sig.jpg]

Needs moar peeveepee. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Caused a whole bunch of trouble to two different guilds Sunday afternoon as they tried to take out our commander at our base and had more fun than is probably legal bouncing players off the long catwalk bridge up to our turrets. Tried to cause mischef with a third guild, but there were too many of them and only three of us so we couldn't stop them. Still, we managed to have a pretty good time though. Thursday after midnight a bunch from our guild got locked into a three to four hour battle with Nemesis over our commander. I keep hearing people from around the server talk about random OWPVP encounters that they've had too.

So it's out there. It's just figuring out where it's happening that's kind of a pain in the ass. I think for the next event, I'm going to park lowbie alts on our bases at different worlds so I can quick log in and check and see whether one of the commanders are up. If they are, then you know it probably won't be long before someone tries to come and get them.

Each stronghold at 100% completion increases your conquest point gain by 25%.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

That is literally is the worst conquest item ever. Who are you conquering, Feng-Sui?
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Remember how I told you the PVP elements were going to cause tears? Links to some of the ongoing drama:

Carebear guilds finding a way around getting flagged and a PVP guild finding a way to get them anyway.

Carebear guilds pulling derp in ranked warzones to cheese the conquest point system only to still get to second place.

And yeah, I roll my eyes at the conquest bonus from decorating. The best thing to do is to open up one of the cheap strongholds and toss a bunch of the default crap up in there wherever just to get the bonus.

Oh man, this week's conquest is really pushing Galactic Starfighter.

Quote:Conquest: Clash in Hyperspace
Republic and Imperial fleets have engaged in protracted battles in several major systems and require the assistance of all able-bodied starfighter pilots.
John Crichton: "Have we sent the ‘don’t shoot us we’re pathetic’ transmission yet?"

[Image: 945c970a534a6782.png][Image: 14c91b0a0dd10784.png]

Congrats Sabers! We hit fourth place for the planet. I'm so proud of you all. We really came together as a guild. Thank you to everyone who contributed. On to the next planet!
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

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