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Makeb Invasion


It's that time again. Another week, another battle. After coming in third on Corellia we are on an upward swing. The ship is now parked over Makeb, and the invasion has begun. From what little I saw this morning, it looks like the guild that conquered it last week is not trying to defend their crown. There are many strong guilds in contention for this planet and we have a good fight ahead of us. As usual, the bonuses are listed below.

Crafting War Supplies: 500 - Repeatable
Warzones: 1000 - Repeatable
Defeat champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets: 1000 - One time per Legacy
Kill 250 Random NPC's: 3000 - One time per Legacy
Toborro’s Courtyard Operation: 3000 - One time per Legacy
Heroic Missions: 1500 - One time each per character daily.

[Heroic 4] Savage Skies - Obtained from Daskarta in Frinn Mesa Western Camps

[HEROIC 2+] For the Record - Obtained from Archivist Varus (1903, –1750)

That should be it. You'll notice some of these bonuses are at 3x what they normally are, which makes it easier to hit your weekly total. For this week you need to hit 25000 points.

Good luck everyone!

"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

I'm offering a prize for the guildie with the most points. Do you want it decided with just one alt or combined alts? I have 3 different speeders and a vending machine(perfect for tons of fun alts its a recharge thingy
). Its not a lot. Let me know. Winner picks 1 from those.


The totals are in and we managed to hold on to tenth place. That was a hard fought battle, but we pulled it out and earned our rewards. I'm proud of the effort everyone put forth. With only three planets in contention plus the new guilds that have joined the fray, to even place is quite the achievement.

For your guild rewards, we can use all three types at the moment. I haven't done the math today, so you can pick any one you feel unless the guild message says otherwise.

As for tomorrow, Nar Shadda has been decided as our next target. Expect a post soon with the updated conquest goals.

Return with Honor.

"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

You don't want Tatooine with the GSF & PVP bonus?

Nar should have the PvP bonuses, there is only one GSF bonus on Tatooine but there are crafting bonuses there too which makes it... not so worthwhile.
[Image: sig.jpg]

Dulfy Heroic List
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Guess I'm going to have to start queuing some solo ranked. Still only 5 piece brutilizer, but straight wzs only netted 21k.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Crafting week is hard on those who do no crafting. Hanak just barely made it because all he has is gathering skills.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

All weeks are hard if you're not into crafting. The vast majority of conquest points are coming from people with tons of crafting alts, deep pockets, and stockpiled mats, even on weeks/planets where there isn't a crafting bonus. Between that and the fact that bioware just nerfed PVP conquest points right before what was supposed to be a PVP heavy week (I still cannot freaking believe they listened to the whiners on the forums), I'm seriously wondering why the hell I should care about conquests at all.

I'll play some ranked games though. Might be fun. But if all of the crafting/PVE guilds knock the actual PVP guilds off the leaderboards this week (and I suspect they will), I will have zero interest in any further conquests.

Pwned by crafters, the way it should be. :mep:
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I need a Nemisis style f you force to troll commander spawns. Pym and I kept 15 of them busy for a while, but half a dozen could have done some damage.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

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