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Who is going to be the next guild leader in SWG?

It is up, the vote for the next leader in SWG, Kirby has not logged in for a loooooong while... so we got a mail!?

Will kirby please log in and get order, if possible...

The solution is for Kirby to log in and run but if he just isn't interested in any way then you are welcome to run Q or I can, since it seems we are the only ones playing anymore.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Thanks for the heads up.

I logged in. Sorry about that guys. I really do intend to play this more. Once SWTOR goes bye bye, (If it is a five year contract that means next year) I'll be far more active. I'll log in more frequently to avoid this from happening again.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

TOR goes bye bye in one of two cases, they lose money on it or they have a product it would compete with. I get the feeling TOR is making more money at this point that SWG was and SWG just kept going and going. No rumors of a new SW MMO though one would think with the new movies they may wanting a new MMO except MMOs don't so so well anymore. Probably looking for some kind of cell phone online type game. Plus they are making new content for TOR so expect the contract to get renewed on a yearly basis for the next couple of years.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I don't get it though Kirby.. you refuse the movies because of EU other ways than what 'expected' and then going playing ToR that is extreme EU and close to not star wars with the exception of glowbats.

Tor was a complete reboot of SW but it did it without replacing the current or rather old star wars. He blames the new EU for pushing out and replacing the legends EU so he is protesting it. The new EU is not responsible or has anything what so ever to do with the legends EU sucking too bad to be made into films. The legends EU did that all on its own. However it is Star's right to protest them pushing out the EU even if they really had no other choice if they wanted to move SW story forward.

So yes Star can like TOR cause it didn't push out and replace anything, it simply added to it. Star was one of the few that really enjoyed and felt at home in the legends EU so he just doesn't get how bad it really was and why it had to go.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

But the EU legends is still there... just another story in the Star Wars universe.

While I disagree with your opinion of the EU Arch, thanks for arguing my case.

Quor, they are two competing stories. They completely disregarded one for another, with no explanation as to why there are now two timelines. That's my problem. Just handwave the damn thing in a short story or something. That would be enough for me. Until that happens, I'm sticking with the Star Wars I've immersed myself in for the last few decades. Besides, the new Star Wars isn't for me anyway. It is for the kids I never had.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Look at is as fan fiction build onto starwars is how I look at it, because it basically is, to bad people decided to try and continue the story on their own in a figure of speech when the fan fiction should had been more based on elements... hidden heroes.. off-quests by the current heroes.. but as an continueation of an original story... not good, should leave that to the guys in charge of everything....

Take Dragon Lance series... there is the original stories by Margeret Weiss and Tracy Hickman following specific lines in the Dragon Lance universe they created with their characters... but also others has written stories to them.. but those stories are like pre-stories of the heroes and side business and other characters... and other interesting stories about the realm and lore.

The problem with starwars story after the battle of endor... is that they may have taken to many liberties, which lead to disappointment for some people when they do not see the new fiction they read about... on the bright side it does not mean the stories right after and the next 30 years after the Battle of Endor cannot contain EU fan fiction... but 30 years later the story arch continues in the SW Universe.

I always respected the main story in all the things I like and enjoyed the fan fiction as well working nicely as a filler in the things I like the additional entertainment for... in starwars it has been more gaming and community for expanded universe with Ghost Legion in the old days... and later on with SBR including games like JK series, SWBF series (think I am not interested in the new SWBF though) and SWG.. also the flying part. =)

Ok, the old EU is not fan fiction. It was officially produced by Lucas Film. Though I can see the confusion as some of it was as bad as fan fiction.

There is a very good and valid explanation why there are two timelines now. The old EU sucked more donkey dick than a Tijuana whore, though some of it was good, so it didn't suck as much donkey dick and Kevin J Anderson.

The EU started out with a bag with the Zahn trilogy and had it kept that level of quality, the tragedy over the EU going away would be felt by more people than just you Star. So much of it was garbage it is hard to be sad it went away. People are just happy Star Wars will continue and not be the dumpster fire it has been for the past 15 years.

I will agree it is for the kids we never had star. They are doing cartoons, young adult books, comics, amusement park rides and .... wait hold on now, all that shit you love, so what you talking about Star? I'm not into those things so I won't enjoy them or even try to, but you Star, are the one among all of us that can really get into those things..... Such a waste. Yes, you are still in love with Mara and Jana, but that Rey is hottie, in a young enough to be my daughter kinda of way..... god how did I become so old and creepy. :mep:

Yeah Star, that old ride is over, it happens all the time, but you still draw breath so it is best to get on the next ride and enjoy that until it ends or you end, and yes you will end and to do so bitter and hateful is just a sad way to die.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Just merely pointing out that the setting is following a path over 90 years or there about... what is in between all the movies and before is all to have an additional good time about.

One should not just discard the new movies because it is not following some books... I mean come on the rebels won at endor in a figure of speech and at least for a while had a more peacefull life sort of.

Look at starwars like the old warcraft games (1-2-3).... Humans vs Orcs... they figth they win... some peace and war blossoms up again.

Also would think of some of the stories after the battle of endor would had fed what comes in the future, makes sense... rebuilding of the jedi order... the empire rebuilding.... sith and dark jedi rebuilding their ranks and more... personally it would be to easy and have next to no plot starting the movies just right after the Battle of Endor anyway... unless you want to have great movies about the Black Sun among more fascination factions that also live in the starwars universe, but they are more groups for private faction gains compared to the huge plot SW always has been about... an example of it could be shown through X-Wing Alliance video game... start story line I really liked flying for the family business doing duties and whatsoever... untill our arch enemy Virago made it sour and hushed the empire onto my business.

It's Jaina, Arch. With an i.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

It's Stubborn, Star. With an Old Fart. :mep:
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

haha you two... get off my lawn!!

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