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  *Speeder by mooning!*
Posted by: Snowsilje - 06-24-2012, 02:48 PM - Forum: New Members - Replies (2)

I have registered as per Yonnus' orders!!!

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  Thanks to everyone last night - Corellia Tutorial
Posted by: SuFel - 06-19-2012, 10:42 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - Replies (1)

For showing me the ropes on the Corellia last night. I was able to complete most of the dailies this morning on my own due to the instruction. Much appreciated!

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  Random Loot Drops?
Posted by: adun12345 - 06-19-2012, 08:46 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - Replies (2)

So, just saw this article over on MMO-Mechanics about how to make flashpoints more interesting:

I tend to be more of a PvP sort of person, though I run flashpoints from time to time, so I was interested in other people's thoughts. Would extremely rare random drops of highest-level loot in Flashpoints (presumably HM Flashpoints only) make them more enticing?

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  Armstech Crafting Requests
Posted by: SuFel - 06-18-2012, 10:50 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - Replies (1)

I am more than willing to craft something in the armstech tree if you need it. Please submit your request here and I will look into it asap. If I have the mats I will be happy to do this at no charge. If I need the materials we may have to figure something out or go get them (even willing to help get you the mats if necessary). I have all the trainable schematics, a good deal of the range weapons and barrels at blue, and some items at purple. I usually crit for the augment as well (but it's luck after all).

When you post the request if you can please post the material requirements as well, it will save me having to look them up. Smile Also let me know which toon to mail it to.

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  No guild bank?
Posted by: Starfire - 06-18-2012, 12:10 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - Replies (3)


Apparently Bioware Customer Service does not think we ever had a guild bank. Below is the email I received and my response.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service wrote:
> Greetings Travis,
> I am Protocol Droid G1-S3, Human-Cyborg Relations.
> I am sorry to inform you that we have been unable to verify that your guild had a bank before transfering server. As such we will be unable to grant you a guild bank.
> Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
> Should you require assistance with any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
> Galactic Support is our specialty…
> Sincerely,
> Protocol Droid G1-S3 (aka Paul) /
> Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™/ Customer Service


I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable. I have been a paying member since the beginning of the game, have a re-occurring subscription, and bought the collectors edition. My guild and I spent 7 million in game credits setting our bank up and I would like it reinstated.
Attached is the screenshot.

Thank you for your time.

So sabers, keep it professional and honorable, but let's all make our displeasure known. I'd rather not have to spend all those credits again. Would you? The original ticket number to reference is #5601909.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Favorite Star Wars Book?
Posted by: adun12345 - 06-07-2012, 09:36 AM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - Replies (27)

Hey Sabers,

So, there was an interesting piece on TORWars the other day about the best Star Wars EU novels to motivate playing a Jedi character (apparently, the correct answer is Michael Stackpole's I, Jedi and Michael Reaves Shadow Hunter).

I was curious - what is everyone's favorite SW novels?

I'm pretty partial to Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire Trilogy myself, though I've enjoyed a lot of different novels. As far as Jedi-specific stories go, I like Kevin Anderson's Jedi Academy books. What does everyone else think?

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  To 1.3, and Beyond!
Posted by: adun12345 - 06-05-2012, 08:55 AM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - Replies (9)

Summary of the E3 preview:

My impressions: Looking forward to the new dailies, WZ, and space combat. I could take or leave the Cathar as a playable race. HK-51 sounds fun, but I hope they take some time to expand the existing companions' stories, in addition to adding new ones. I'm a bit nervous about how the new level cap will interact with end-game PvP, though I'm excited to hear details about what they have in mind.

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  Star Wars 1313 ??
Posted by: Tiberious - 06-04-2012, 10:45 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - Replies (5)

Just saw this on Spike TV. Star Wars 1313 from Lucas Arts, any else hear of this ??

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  Guild ships will come...
Posted by: Hanak - 05-18-2012, 06:08 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - Replies (9)


From the SWTOR forums:

DarthNhiilus: Are you going to implement housing and guild features (like guild banks, guild ships)?

Daniel Erickson: Guild banks are coming in Game Update 1.2 and like PvP, guild features are a priority for the development team with a strike team focused on nothing but top guild concerns and requests. Guild capital ships are a huge undertaking, though, so expect to see more quality of life style guild features roll out before you and your allies start building your destroyer....

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  Link to Star Wars Fanfictions
Posted by: Lexa - 05-08-2012, 06:59 PM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Not sure where these go but here are some links to some fanfictions I think you all may like. Bewarn some may be rated M for mature if so and your under 18 DON'T READ IT if you do you've been warned.

Descendent of Revan is a Naruto/ Star Wars crossover fanfiction meaning its mainly about the Show Naruto but with star wars mixed in and is rated matured and not for those younger then 18.

[COLOR="Cyan"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Due to me having a guilty thoughts I will no longer have the link to the Naruto/ Star Wars crossover fanfiction up, if you still wish to read it use the provide link above to make an account. If you choose to do so just simply go to your favorites and under favorite stories just add the follow to the box you see story id type in the following story id.

Naruto: The Descendent of Revan story id = 4648598
Again sorry for any trouble this has caused.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

Have mercy on me for the this one if you read it. Jedi = BAD Sith = GOOD Story is called The Jedi Illusion.

Kid friendly, though some what sad also. Story is called My Fathers Padawan

In this story Padmé Amidala becomes a jedi. Story is called Jedi Couple. Also has Obi-Wan and Siri Tachi in love also. Yoda is trying out at allowing attachments also.

For those who need good laughs. Story is called Just Charge It!

World of Warcraft/ Star Wars crossover. Story is called A Force of Azeroth

Worth making a movie about.Recommend some popcorn to eat while reading it. Story is called The Chosen One Chronicles

Very intrasting to read. Story is called TRANSCENDENCE

Not too bad if finished, still looking for it on the other website. Story is called Signs of Life

Worthing of being the ending of The Return of the Sith with a very nice happy ending. Story is called The Awakening: The Revised Edition

Luke manages to save his father from the last death star explosion. Story is called Redemption and Recovery.

A very nice and lovely father and son moment. Story is called The Curious Flight of Rogue Thirteen.


Darth Vader is the new DADA Teacher !! Story called the stag and the dragon.

Must read while sitting down, Story called Voicemail.

Anakin has once again caused trouble.Read Star Wars and Instant Messaging.[/COLOR]

P.S. People please don't shoot,stab,rip,beat,cook,shock,throw/ and or shove out of the air lock if you don't like these stories leave a sticky note please.

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