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Guild Hunt Wednesday Night

Hoping that Ch8 doesn't come out yet - we have a guild hunt planned!

Meet roughly about 7 central, if you can try to have an entertainer buff prior to coming - Quortek has an entertainer or we may have to go to Eisley to get ones.

First thing will be a run through the Geonosian cave which should go along quite well.

Second we will be doing at least ONE corellian corvette run. I have a ticket for the Rebel mission and Tiberious has a ticket for a Jabba's mission.

After this - Krayt Huntin, Instance or two, HK (Kirby), or anything else we can get to doing.

Look forward to seeing you out there!
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

No worries on chapter hasnt been on TC for a week..we easily have another week..Im down for all of that but gonna call the robes/hilt since I have been wanting to finish HK for months.

Now I have been running with SoA for a few months now and I really, REALLY like how they do loot. Here's how it goes:

There is no "called" loot because then people begin to feel like there is a pecking order and things are unfair. So, they each carry a 100 sided die on their character.

Your availability to roll depends on the following: If your character you are on now needs the item, you can roll on it. If one else needs/wants it, then you get the item by default. IE: The JMC drops from the HK instance. I am a medic - of course I do not need it; Kirby doesn't need it, he has elder robes; Kateria and Tiberious are Jedi but don't need it because they did the mission a bazillion times already and got one; Mario'g and Atheu are Jedi as well, though might not have it yet (I have a feeling neither of them do) So Mario'g, Atheu, and Srefo roll for the cloak - Srefo gets the highest number, Srefo gets the cloak. This does not exclude you from other rolls, though it is nice to lay back - such as I was in a group with a guy who got the Tusken Rifle on rolls, when the backpack came up in another instance, he passed so someone else could get some nice loot.

If no one else needs the item on their man character then the item is up for rolling for anyone who may want it for an alt or to sell for credits. I got lucky on an HK run with SoA, no one needed the JMC. Since I had ran it so many times with them and not gotten anything they let me have it. I later traded it for a luck suit so I can do some REing for the guild.

I've ran with with most of the guild and they do not seem opposed to this, so I'll work on getting some 100-sided dice rounded up to hand out for Wednesday. This is more like paper, rock, scissors for the front seat rather than calling it the 3 hrs before you'll even get back into the vehicle - the odds are fairer this way.

With this development though, we will add on a Sher Kar run in all of this so double our chances of getting the ORH which I know Phylok needs as well.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

I already have both the One handed Old Republic hilt, and my elder robes so no worries. I just want the officer exclusive HK Intimidator pistol. =) Since I'm the only officer at the moment. (That isn't an alt anyway.) I think I will most likely get it by default.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Indeed you shall!

Wait - this means you'll be coming?!
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Hanak Wrote:So Mario'g, Atheu, and Srefo roll for the cloak - Srefo gets the highest number, Srefo gets the cloak.

DAMN IT, freaking Srefo always gets the good loot and he doesn't even need it. :mep:
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

If by wednesday you mean tomorrow, I will be there!

YES! Because we need someone who knows their way around the corvette.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Unfortunately I will not be home until after 8 central. Hope everyone has fun =)

what do you mean I dont need it? you dont even play anymore arch =P

I'll be there to just a fair warning internet has been spotty the last few days...where are we meeting hanak?

The hunt went quite well - the acklay met his death and so did the Imperial Inquisidor on the vette. Sorry that some of you couldn't make it. I saw Srefo hop on midway through the vette. We will see what we can't do next time to get peope on. Good work Sabers - good to see everyone there!
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Would have loved to join ya, but only Thursday nights and Fridays are really good for me.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

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