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We need to form a guild instance for both chapters 7 and 8 content

May it be going through IG-88, the Tusken King, Axkva Min, and other possible instances coming with chapter 8, i'm finding it harder and harder each week finding a group, as bad as I need tokens i've only beat the tusken king 4 times, Axkva Min twice and IG-88 three times, so i've been thinking maybe the entire guild can pitch in and help one another out with these instances.

Ok I can see there has been about 10 people who viewed this post but hasn't responded, many would think that these instances don't matter, but they do

Each time you beat Axkva Min you get a mod parry reduction increased by 1

Each time you beat Tusken King you get a skill mod criticial hit reduction increased by 1

Each time you beat IG-88 you get a skill mod strike through increase by 1

The goal is to take them down ten times each to modifiy your character's stats to it's full extent

Meh, will it really matter when you get your 360? You won't ever go back Tongue

Oh he's got his 360, really nice Halo 3 Limited Edition one, he just doesn't have any games for it yet :lol:

Cillian Harth Wrote:Ok I can see there has been about 10 people who viewed this post but hasn't responded, many would think that these instances don't matter, but they do

Each time you beat Axkva Min you get a mod parry reduction increased by 1

Each time you beat Tusken King you get a skill mod criticial hit reduction increased by 1

Each time you beat IG-88 you get a skill mod strike through increase by 1

The goal is to take them down ten times each to modifiy your character's stats to it's full extent

If something were to be scheduled (and if I have off) I would be willing to go to help. However other then scheduled events, I probably won't be in Galaxies all that much.
[Image: sig.jpg]

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