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Smallville season 9, 2 hour event this friday on the CW

Jayce Wrote:lol

I second that

Yes, please take this discussion in front of a biker gang so you both can have the beating you deserve.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Meryl Haddox Wrote:I second that

So says the Dragon Ball Z fan that's even worse Tongue

Cillian Harth Wrote:So says the Dragon Ball Z fan that's even worse Tongue

I actually haven't watched that show in about a year and a half now, I've lost all interest in it, so you phail at your accusation

Yeah so I've read exactly one comic book ever, one I got in a school Christmas gift exchange when I was five (it was the worst gift ever. I gave legos, I rule). Anyway I actually recorded the smallville becuase I keep wondering when clark kent is going to turn into superman, and then I ended up fast forwarding through the whole thing because he never does. Took me ten minutes to watch the two hour special.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

kateria Wrote:yup they were on alternate worlds ... An fate was in league as well during the 60's when the league was just justice league of america ... Post crisis disolved all parrell worlds forming one world . Period. Everything was re imagied an re done .

Post crisis JSA was the precurosr to justice league . in pre world war I era . with most members retired during world war II ... then much much very much later justice league of america forms . Due to political backlashes an outcries in the UN ( in the dc universe ) . America was dropped an it became Justice League . JSA was never fully explored post Crisis . Just honourble mentions .

Smallvillie in it's lack of continutity has managed to usurp the timeline of events with this bastardization of superman an other heros . But thats a whole other disscussion .

An wikipedia links don't count .... they been wrong and are wrong with alot of things not just with the DC universe . As a source that is suspect at best .

Did you ever think they were using the concept from both the Golden and Silver ages? Not just one over the other? Hawkman was the original leader of the Justice Society that much is clear that was until it was revamped into the Justice League in 1960 and it certainly helps that the episode was written by DC writer Geoff Johns.

Pallos Wrote:Yeah so I've read exactly one comic book ever, one I got in a school Christmas gift exchange when I was five (it was the worst gift ever. I gave legos, I rule). Anyway I actually recorded the smallville becuase I keep wondering when clark kent is going to turn into superman, and then I ended up fast forwarding through the whole thing because he never does. Took me ten minutes to watch the two hour special.

You really should of watched the whole thing it had memorable (especially for the fans of Stargate SG-1 who Michael Shanks will be appearing as Hawkman in this episode)moments such as

Vintage Justice Society Of America

Kent Nelson put on the helmet of Nabu

Hawkman & Green Arrow, these two are hilarious together

Stargirl vs Icicle

Dr. Fate and Martian Manhunter

Final fight JSA & JLA vs Icicle

JLA meets JSA

Lois meets Amanda Waller

Pallos Wrote:Yeah so I've read exactly one comic book ever, one I got in a school Christmas gift exchange when I was five (it was the worst gift ever. I gave legos, I rule). Anyway I actually recorded the smallville becuase I keep wondering when clark kent is going to turn into superman, and then I ended up fast forwarding through the whole thing because he never does. Took me ten minutes to watch the two hour special.

really .... that's the only way to watch smallville . If at all .

Archangel Wrote:Yes, please take this discussion in front of a biker gang so you both can have the beating you deserve.

Only problem with that , given cill's luck it'd end up in front of the purple oyster biker place from police academy .... :thumbsup:

kateria Wrote:really .... that's the only way to watch smallville . If at all .

Did you even actually watch the episode? Everyone loved it

Unlike most people I don't have a crush ,or in cill's case a man crush ^ on micheal shanks . I fast forwarded through the episode . saw martian manhunter got powers back . an no tights no supes . so no point . After nine seasons It's still beating a dead horse . An tom weilling aint no chris reeve . hell even brandon routh was a better clark kent ....

It was somewhat interesting until they all graduated high school.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

kateria Wrote:Unlike most people I don't have a crush ,or in cill's case a man crush ^ on micheal shanks . I fast forwarded through the episode . saw martian manhunter got powers back . an no tights no supes . so no point . After nine seasons It's still beating a dead horse . An tom weilling aint no chris reeve . hell even brandon routh was a better clark kent ....

This show is all about Clark becoming Superman, it isn't the Superman show, don't expect Clark to be in the red and blue tights until the very end, also people have praised Tom Welling for being the next Christopher Reeves (Brandon Routh was a complete joke) and Erica Durance as the best Lois Lane to date, and the only reason why I brought up Michael Shanks is because I thought there was alot of Stargate SG1 fans, even though I didn't watch it myself but he's a great actor regardless. Season nine has got it right it's finally being praised for heading into the right direction, the first 7 seasons was really the Clark and Lana show, it got too gullible but now it's about Clark becoming the man he should of been, even though he's not quite there yet, but it's closer than he was.

Even if Michael Shanks is on the show now (he's Canadian, and lives about 2-3 hours away from Cill and I :tongueSmile I still have no interest in watching Smallville as Superman is completely over-rated, now if it was a Batman or live action Wolverine show, Hells yea

When I was a kid (yes there was movies and even electricity then) there was this movie called Superman. In it Clark grew up and became superman. I remember it because it was the first movie I watched on VHS, or maybe it was beta max. So the whole becoming superman thing was already done.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

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