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"Well in Bioware's defense, how many people are smart enough to play a sand box style game?"

This is true, I wish everyone would quit catering to the lowest common denominator.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Playing a sandbox style game doesn't take much sense.. It's just the design of the game itself. Some games are seemingly meant for a more intelligent breed. As is this train wre.. I mean, rail type system. It's meant for an idiot. Plain and simple. So easy a monkey could do it. And that's not fun, because it's the same thing over and over again. I don't like monotony.. One reason I'm not married. =P

You obviously need to spend more time around a higher quality of girl. :p

Other than that, yup.

Honestly, only 3 of the 5 or six sandbox games I have played have really held me for any length of time. Remember the increased cost of development for a sandbox game too...

Sometimes, you are left in the Sahara with a spoon going "Well... now what?" This is probably the number 1 reason for people leaving EvE online.
"Ghost Legions? Bunch of common criminals... they shouldn't give us any problems sir." - Last transmission of Col. Henry Driver, 4th Tau Ceti Lancers.

Didnt we evolve past this technology after the Atari?


This is SWG all over again. Make a game catered to what will bring in the most people and not what would make it actually good...

Making it good seems to hard though, why do that when you can take the easy path? Big Grin


easy path more cost effective and draws in a larger audience which brings a higher return on investment . Smart move in the short term but cripples the long term viablity of the game .

What killed SWG wasn't the way it was in the beginning but rather taking stuff away with NGE. SWTOR can start small in space and work it's way up from there. As long as they don't remove features the game will improve. SOE never seemed to get that.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

I have to agree, going backwards is the single worst idea for a game experience. However, starting with a crap sandwhich and telling everyone its prime rib isn't a great one either. We played an on the rails space shooter in rebel assault 15 years ago. It wasn't that fun then.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

I listened to the BioWare reasoning as to why they went with a rail system.. and as I was listening I thought to myself.. "Isn't that how it happens in any movie?"

Still willing to give it time. How long after SWG's open bet...I mean...release was it until JTL came out? This could be a preliminary step to appease the fanboys who wanna say "ooo, I'm flying a ship in Star Wars!" (I'm aware that we're fanboys, leave it :-p)

Unfortunately, most devs prove over and over a complete lack of understanding of the SW universe, one that we have spent an alarming part of our young lives immersed in. The space game is always seen as ancillary to the ground game, even though to our particular group it's highly important. It all comes down to what you think of first when you think of Star Wars. Do you think lightsabers or x-wings? Clearly these devs (and SWG's) think lightsabers.

Lets face it...we're never going to be 100% satisfied with the product, particularly after having our hearts broken with SWG. Lets take it at face value. We loved SWG when the only way to be in space was on a transport. We were playing a Star Wars video game online with a bunch of our closest friends. We're going to be in at launch again on this one, and once again will be toting pistols and carbines over the hills of Tatooine to rescue Pol (it's always Pol) from a pack of scyks. If it sucks, we'll drift away like we did after the CURB. If it doesn''ll be a nice few years :-)


AMEN! And after what's I've seen of more gameplay - I'm ready to play now.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

I always figured Space + Wars = Star Wars.

But I'm funny that way. :crazy:

I STILL want a SW MMO that is like World War II Online with sectors instead of nations.

I'm not sure what you mean by sectors. But it seems the PvP zones will be based on the area. And while there may be allignment toward Republic or Empire, the zones seem to be the shady areas (players who are fringe types) Republic zones and Imperial zones and the conflict that occurs on the meshing of them - such as Alderaan's PvP zone.

It would be nice to see fighters and what not similiar to Bad Company 2 in a PvP zone. But even if it isn't out at first, it will be easier to implement than in SWG - that much is for sure.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Ghent will know what I'm talking about.

WWIIOL is basically a complete 1/2 scale map of the world with NO ZONES. Also no AI, 100% PvP but that would have to change for this.

Each side has a finite amount of rescources dictated by factories and supply lines that can be destroyed or taken by the enemy. Supplies can be redispositioned startegically or short term by players actually delivering supplies (Hundreds of players driving tank columns to the front to be dropped off for a future offensive along with the enemy trying ot interdict such columns).

All in first person.

When one side removes the other sides abily to wage war through either conquest or attrition the map is reset and they start over again. This can takes weeks, or months.

So you have people captaining supply ships full of tanks and troops with guys in airplanes flying escort to protect them form enemy bombers. Pilots flying troop transports with paratroops in them, bombers flying long hauls into enemy territory to bomb factories to slow production, ground offensives with infantry tanks close air support etc.

Picture that with a SW spin.
It would be like if you combined JK, with XvT all overseen by Rebellion.
You could land on planets, board cap ships take ground and hold it or lose it, and most of all WIN.

THAT is what I was hoping for with SWG.

But I alas there were no stars, nor wars....but your wookies can dance.

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